.:Instructions on how to love:. (Ulquiorra love story)*part19*

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Chapter 19: Number Four Espada.

I lay in my bed, trying to sleep, but unable too.

"Surprise me."

That's what he told me earlier. How am I suppose to do that? I don't know how to surprise him. I never know what he thinks.

I sigh and stare at my ceiling. I'm having a really hard time not being with him right now. I sat up, and pulled my blankets off. I began to walk down the hallways. I had one destination in mind. I knew he was in his room. I could feel him there.

Once there, I stood outside his door. Just knock. But what do I say when he opens the door? It wont matter. Just open the door! I hit my fist against his door. AH!!!! IDIOT! Why did you just knock?

The door open slightly, and I saw a tired looking Ulquiorra standing there. Shock seemed to hit his face, and I look down at the ground blushing. "I, uh, couldn't sleep." I mumble. I heard a creaking noise and felt a hand pulling me into his room. Than I heard a quiet click.

"Silly girl." He says.

I looked at him. Now that I was finally in his pressense, I was able to relax. After long last, a yawn escaped my mouth. I walked up to him and hugged him lightly. "I guess I just wanted to see you before I went to sleep. I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He whispered into my hair.

I gripped onto him tighter, unwilling to let him go. "Ulquiorra?" I need to tell you that I'm in love with you. I can't keep it to myself anymore.

"What is it?" He asks.

I yawned again and got lost into his scent. I closed my eyes, and just stood there. After a bit I loosened my grip and looked up at him, to see his eyes, too like mine, were closed.

I smiled the slightest bit. It drives me insane, seeing how one minute he can look so serious and older, than the next so young. I grabbed his arms, and lightly had him walk to his bed. His eyes flashed open when we were at his bed.

His hands made there way to my waste, and he pulled me against his own body. I never realized it till now but his jacket was really tight against his chest. I gasped in awe at how I'm always finding something new that's amazing about him. "You need to sleep." He says.

"I know." I reply.

His lips were lightly pushed against my own. I felt him pick me up and set me on his bed, while he crawled over top of me, not once removing his mouth from my own. His mouth trailed down my face, and he left small angel kisses on my chin and neck. He than laid down next to me, having one arm draped over me, and him lightly nibbling on my ear.

Closed my eyes, and laid against his body, finally feeling myself drift into sleep.

My eyes began to flutter open, as I felt the sun shining on me. Opening my eyes, I saw I was laying in my bed. How? When? Why? Questions kept popping into my head, and I couldn't seem to find an answer to them.

Next thing I knew my door was being opened. Standing there was my love. He nodded his head at me.

"Good morning!" I yell jumping up and running into him. His arms coiled around my waste.

"There is a meeting I need to attend. Once done I'll come back and see you okay?"

"Alright. I'll be at the training grounds."

"Sounds good." He says and lightly kisses my forehead than leaves.

Once he was gone I made my way to the training grounds. Once I got there, I pulled out my zanpakuto. "Ban~kai!" I yell.

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