.:Instructions on how to love:. (Ulquiorra love story)*ONESHOT*

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Sighing I say, "Ulquiorra Schiffer, I'm head over heals in love with you."

"Is that so?"

"Yes." I reply hiding my face into him.

"Hm, let's go to sleep."

The 4 worst words to ever her are, "We need to talk." But the 5 words he just said, hurt more than anyone could have imagined.


"What is it?"

"Do you understand what I'm saying to you?"

"Yes." He says.

"Do you?" I ask again.

"Sort of...." He replies.

A small smile appeared on my face. Only he, of all people, could make the simplest of things difficult.

I snuggled closer to him, and drew in his scent. I felt movement under me, and like he ways always able to do so swiftly, he had his jacket off. I silently laughed to myself. I traced his chest, stomach, and face a numerous number of times, memorizing everything about it. Where everything touches at, how it feels. I clung to him, unwilling to let go. Yes, I was in pain from his words, but that didn't make me love him any less.

He was the one I wanted to spend my eternity with. I was willing to give up anything and everything just to be with him. I didn't want to leave the spot we were in. As he has done before, he quickly slid off my shirt as before.

As I have said before, he never seemed to look where he shouldn't have his eyes at, and yet he finds a way to see every part of my body that I have. His lips found mine, as he pulled me in closer. My mind began to shut off, as I lost all my thoughts. The only thing I could seem to focus on was him. The love of my life, my Ulquiorra. He traced his hand, from my stomach to my chest where my heart rapidly beat.

He began to pull away, and my breathe quickly came in and out, and I tried to catch it.

"Mai. May I do something to you. You may not understand it now, but with in time you will."

"Of course. You can do anything you please to do to me."

"Very well. Giver me your hand."

I put my hand into his. He put his lips back against mine, and I felt a burning in my hand. I tried to pull away from him, but his grip remained, holding me where I was at. Tears, unwillingly, fell down my face. When he finally pulled away from my lips, the burning sensation had faded, and there was nothing more than just a throbbing,

"This," He says holding my hand, "Is my trademark on you. This is my way of marking my territory on you. You are mine, whether I'm alive or dead. Whether I'm alive or dead, I'm still with you, for our blind is bonded, and we are one. We shall be two in one, the way we should always be."

I smiled lightly, as he brushed away my tears. I couldn't seem to understand why he was speaking this way. It's as if he had a decision he had to make, and there's a chance his death is creeping up on him. Is it old age? Is that what he is trying to tell me. Please tell me that's not true. This is the after world, you can't die of old age, can you?

"Love is a word that I have a loss in. I know many things, but that is something I still seem to quite not understand. It can be explained to me many times and yet, I still won't understand it. But it's easier to learn something through experiencing it, rather than hearing about it."

"Yeah, that seems to sound true."

"Mai? I want you to make a deal with me."

"What is it?"

"Tomorrow, I'm going to go check up on Orihime. I don't want you, no matter what happens, to leave this building. Just stepping outside, you can wind up being killed. And I couldn't handle that. I'm sure I would go insane with out you."

"How do you think I'd feel if I lost you?"

"You wouldn't go nearly as insane as I. I have lived many more years than you, and you have many more years yet to come. If I were to ever die, you could easily find someone who is better than me. Someone who can treat you better than I do. Someone who will never take you for granted, which I don't. But I want you to be with someone who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. I never want to see you cry, the way I make you cry. You regularly cry because of me. I can't stand to see you cry."

"Wait, are you.... Are you breaking up with me?"

"Foolish girl. Did you not just hear me say I can't live with out you? Just make the deal with me."

"Fine, I promise I won't leave here tomorrow."


I let out a large yawn but refused to go to sleep. Tomorrow is the big day, the day Ulquiorra is in charge of Heuco Mundo until further notice. So I wanted to cherish tonight as much as I could. Even though Ulquiorra makes the moved on me, I decided to surprise him.

I set my lips against him, and moved myself so I was laying over top of him, pressing our bodies together. I was correct. He did seemed shocked, but I remained in my position.


"Hm...?" I ask leaning my head on his chest.

"You're.... hm.... I'm now having...."

"Urges?" I ask.

"Yes." He reply's.

"Good." I reply back.

"That's what you wanted?"

"Yes, that was my intentions. Tomorrow, things will be different. I want to enjoy what I have while I can.

A smile spread across his lips, as I sat up to look at him. My stomach jumped, and began to swirl around. I began to shake, unable to stop, just from being so nervous around him. It was hard to control myself, considering I wanted nothing more than to just be with him.... For eternity.

He whispered in my ear, "Mai, if I die, do you want to be with me?"

"Yes." I reply.

"Okay. That mark on your hand that I made, will take you away from where you are, and bring you to the next world to be with me after 24 hours of me being dead."

"Are you saying you're going to die?"

"No, I just making sure everything is in preparation if something goes wrong and unplanned."

"I see." I say.

He spun me over and was now on top of me. He left small kisses down my checks, onto my neck, down my chest. From there on out, I arrived in paradise.

(So here is the thing. I know that this is supposed to go before the last chapter, but i decided to save it for the end to build up more mystery. Also, this is NOT the end. Everyone complained to me how they wanted a happy ending so i made another 25 parts. Be ready cause when i get back from my friends here in a few days-ish, i will be posting)

become a fan? this ending was great :D

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