.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part6

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Chapter 6: Is The Truth Finally Going To Come Out?

I followed Ulquiorra as he was leading me to my temporary room. We walked in complete silence. This is so awkward. It feels as If I've seen the back of him a million times before. I recognize every structure of it.

He stopped suddenly and opened a door to a dark room. It was small. The walls were white, and there was a white bed. That was it. No desk of any kind or table. I sighed as I stepped in and looked around.

"Seem cozy." I say sarcastically.

"Shouldn't have broken your door." He replies.

"I'll trade you rooms." I say jokingly. His face remained straight. I walked over the bed and sat on it. It was stiff and not very comfortable. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I like your bed better too." I say.

"That's not my problem." He says.

"Why can't I just stay in my room? I don't need a door at the moment."

"Talk to Lord Grimmjow about it, not me." He says before turning around to leave.

"Ulquiorra." I say trying to get his attention.

He turned around, toward me, opened his eyes, which I was unaware were closed in the first place, and stares at me waiting for me to say something.

"What happened two years ago?" I ask.

"I don't know." He says while closing his eyes.

"Liar." I say angrily. "Of all people, you should know the best, right?!" I yell.

"I have no idea what you are saying." He says and turns to walk away. I quickly stood up and ran to where he was at and spun him around to face me. I gripped tightly onto his jacket and hit my forehead against his chest, and left it resting there.

"You have to know." I say. "Kesshou said..."

"Kesshou said what?" he asks straightly.

"She said so many things. I don't understand. I don't see why I can't even remember." I say. "I know when I'm around you, I feel strange. What was going on between us two years ago?" I ask.

"Absolutely nothing." He says. I felt him making movement, and the next thing I knew he was pushing me away from his body.

"Lies." I whisper.

"You're going to believe a sword over me? How pitiful. You are nothing more than trash to me. I have no reason as to why Lord Grimmjow would keep you around." He says before turning, putting his hands back into his pockets, and leaving.

"Ulquiorra!" U called out after him while he walked away. I felt tears come up, and drip down my face. Why does it hurt so much? Why can't I handle this?

"Ulquiorra!" I yell again, "I remember calling for you!" I yell. He stopped suddenly and says, "What do you mean?"

"I remember before I woke up here in Las Noches when Grimmjow was king of this place, I was calling for you. I remember begging for you to come and take me out of pain. I don't know why I was calling to you." I finish up in a whisper.

"I see." He says while it looked as if he were sighing for relief. He took a step forward and I watched him leave me alone in the room. He was now closing the door behind him. I felt my tears falling out of my eyes and down my cheeks onto my chin, and to the floor.

"Kesshou said we were in love." I mumbled to myself. When I glanced back up I noticed he was just standing in the doorway holding the door half way shut.

"Is that what she said?" He asks unemotionally. Why doesn't he show any sign of emotion whatsoever.

"Yes." I say.

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