.:Instructions on how to love:. (Ulquiorra love story)*part8*

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Chapter 8: Trip to the Human World.


"Thanks." I muttered pushing myself out of Ulquiorra's grasp, while I looked away from him, with my face burning red. He was beginning to wake up, with his face getting harder. I sighed. Well that was nice while it lasted. I turned and walked. "Let's go train." I say.


"Okay." He says.


I walked out my door first and began to walk ahead of him. Just as I rounded a corner, my nose was slammed against somebody's chest. "Ow!" I screamed while taking a step back. I looked up to see Gin looking down at me.


"You should be more careful, Mai." He says placing a hand on my head. I threw his hand off of me and took off in a sprint to get away from him. I know he's my dad. But I just hate him so much. He abandoned me. And my sister. And my mom. It's because of him that Kagami is dead. With sudden realization, I reached into my shirt, and pulled out the purple tie. I put my hair up, and tied it around my hair.


I began to slow my pace down, than completely stopped. I sat down against the wall and dug my head into my legs, while clutching onto my skin. I began to sob really hard. I shouldn't be here. Kagami should be here.




"Kagami!" I yelled as I ran through the mall. "Can't you keep up with me?"


"Mai, calm down." She ordered me.


"Make me!" I say sticking my tongue out at her. Then I turned around and began to spin in circles. I began to laugh loudly as I waited for her to get closer to me. Once she reached me, I reached down and grabbed her hand.


"Kagami, you're so pretty." I say staring at her in amazement. She had a purple tie in her hair, keeping it out of her face. She reached up and pulled it out. Than she reached down and put it into my hand. "Here, have this." She said while smiling. We walked back to her house. Once there, we started cooking. I heard a loud roaring sound erupting through the house. "Oh my." She says while looking in the fridge. "I seem to be out of milk. Mai, would you mind running and getting me some?"


"No not at all." I say. I ran out the door, and headed to the store. On my way back, I since a side of her house was totally ruined. I ran through the door, and inter her house. "KAGAMI!!!!" I screamed. "WHERE ARE YOU!"


I ran into the living, and stopped. A loud shriek escaped from me. I dropped the milk, pouring it all over the floor. Laying in front of me was my sister. I ran over to her and pressed my hand against her wrist feeling for a pulse.


Nothing came. I jumped up and ran to the kitchen, grabbing a phone and calling for help. As I got off the phone, I saw that that kitchen door was opened. Laying in it was a jug of milk.


I made my way to my sister, and grabbed her hand. I sat there sobbing, while waiting for help to arrive.....


(end flashback)


I felt someone's hand touching my shoulder. I expected it to be Ulquiorra, but standing there was Grimmjow. "You okay." He asks me.

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