.:Instructions on how to love:. (Ulquiorra love story)*part18*

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Chapter 18: Surprise Me.

I stood outside my door, waiting for Ulquiorra to come and train with me. I leaned against my door, and kept my eyes closed. After a bit I heard of voice say, " Let's go now."

I opened my eyes to see Gin standing there. "What?"

"Get yourself together, you're coming with me."

"Where are we going?"

"To the training grounds. I'm training you today."

"Where's Ulquiorra?"

"He's got important things he needs to do for Lord Aizen."

"Okay. I guess."

I trailed behind Gin to the training grounds. Once there, he says "Show me your zanpakuto."

I gripped my sword, than pulled it out of it sheath in my sash.

"Now, call to the sword and focus on your spiritual pressure."

Nodding my head I closed my eyes when I heard him say, "Open your eyes. When you're in a battle, you can't keep your eyes closed. You have to be focusing on what's going on in front of you."

I opened my eyes, and tried to focus on my spiritual pressure. "Glisten Kesshou." I felt my spiritual rise and spin around me.

"Now, I want you to attack me."

I gripped my sword tightly. Focusing on putting my spiritual pressure in my feet and hands, I flash stepped and quickly swung my sword down at him. And just like that I hand my hand wrapped around my back, with Gin's hand tightly grasping a hold onto my wrist.

"For starters, your attacks are way to obvious. Anyone can read them. Even the weakest of them all. Try again."

Once he let go of my wrist, I jumped back and looked at it. Than I looked up at him, quickly flash stepping toward him. When I swung down, I seen him make sudden movement, and I jumped over his head, swinging down, to see him disappearing. I felt a hand grab the back of my shirt, and throw me. I flipped over and landed on my feet, seeing no one around. I focused my attention on Gins reiatsu. Once I picked it up, I flash stepped to him. Quickly swinging down, he dodged it. I swung my fist out to punch his, and his hand grabbed my wrist. I brought up my foot, and kicked him in the shin.

He took a step back and gave me a nod of approval. "Now that we get the basics down, I want you to show me your swords power."

"It's power?" I ask. "Heki aisu."

I swung my sword outward, and sent out a bunch of glowing crystals. The formed on the ground, and spread out looking like ice.

"Very good. Calling out the name of your zanpakuto, brings your reiatsu to a stronger point. Now I want you to call banai."

"Bankai? What's that.?"

"It's the second form of your sword."

"I'm pretty sure I don't know how to bring it out."

"Just say bankai. It should work. I've seen you sitting out in the training ground, just sitting there doing nothing. Call out your bankai."

"Uhm, bankai?" I say.

"Say it like you mean it. Focus on your spiritual pressure while you call it out."

"Ban-kai!" I yell. I felt this surge of power run through me. I looked down at my sword and saw it was different. It was a blue-purple-white color.

"Very good. Now relax." I closed my eyes and let out my breathe, feeling my body calm down. I opened my eyes and saw that my sword was back to normal.

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