.:Instructions on how to love:. (Ulquiorra love story)*part20*

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Chapter 20: Our Love Is What Keeps Us Strong.

Water splashed down onto me. In the end Ulquiorra won the argument. Who would have known that he would show his hormones? The one guy who doesn't show feelings. He shows hormones!

His arms remained around me. My face was probably the reddest it has ever been. For starters I never would have imagined that me and Ulquiorra would end up having a thing. Second, I never imagined that if we did have a thing, that I would see him without a shirt on. Third I never expected us to be naked together in a shower.

So ya, I'm hiding my face from him.

"You're embarrassed still?"

"No." I lie.

"Are too." He says.

"Am not."




"Okay yes I am!" I say in defeat.

I felt his arms loosen up. He grabbed my hips and spun me around to face him, and pulled me against him. For a guy, he doesn't stare or look. And if he does look, I'm not able to tell. His face seems to remain on mine. He brings his face down, and lightly kisses me. My breathe escapes my mouth, and my knees begin to go weak. I felt myself unable to hold myself up, and he held me in place.

"I would have assumed, that after kissing you so many times, you would have been able to remain standing."

"Oh hush." I whisper, still trying to catch my breathe.

He quickly shut the faucet. I didn't even feel his hand leave my side. Than he leaned over the edge and grabbed a towel for me, and stood out and dried himself off, while quickly dressing himself. I followed him out of the shower. He reached out and dried off my hair very careful not to hurt me. Than I through on a pair of long white shorts. (looks like basketball shorts) And just a white beater.

He wrapped an arm around me and led me back to his room. Once in there why sat on his bed and talked for 2 hours straight about just random things, learning more about each other.

After a while, we just got really quiet and kept our eyes fixed on each other. "You've changed a lot." I say. "I love that I'm having an easier time reading you now."

"Is that so? So what am I going to do next?"

"Hm, well you're going to tackle me onto your floor, and wrestle with me for a bit, than you will overpower me, and than go to sleep." I say jokingly.

"I see." He says with a smirk that scared me but also made my insides go crazy.

Next thing I knew I was on the floor with him over me. "Do you give?"

Laughing I say, "Never."

I felt his face get closer, "Or really? I am calculating right now, that I can make you give."

"Oh, really? Good luck with that."

"It has nothing to do with luck." He says leaning down and nibbling on my ear. I felt his hand make movement. He had his hand over my stomach. And oh so slowly, taking his time he began to slide it under my shirt, and before he could do anything I yell, "Okay I give!"

"I own you." He says.

"Maybe in your dreams."

He helped me stand up, and brought me over to his bed. He sat downon it and I laid down. I had myhead on his lap, and he played with my hair.


"Hm?" I ask nearly asleep.

"Do you really need to train with Grimmjow?"

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