.:Our forbidden love:.(Ulquiorra love story)Final

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Chapter 15: The Finally of the Season. I Love You.

I stood there with Luppi next to me, pretty much hyperventilating. This was it. The moment everyone has been waiting for. We will find out whether Ulquiorra will defeat Yamamoto or lose.

I didn’t want Ulquiorra to die, but soul society needed captain Yamamoto even though I think he is going a bit crazy.

“Mai….” Luppi says, trying to get my attention.

Right before I knew it, I was leaning over and puking. My head was spinning and I couldn’t stand up straight.

I fell down to my knees and continued to… well you know. Luppi dropped down next to me and tried to comfort me. Tears fell down my face, and I finished up my business. I tried to stand but I wasn’t strong enough.

Luppi wrapped an arm around my waste and he grabbed my elbow and helped me stand up. “That made me feel a lot better.” I say.

He chuckled to himself and says, “So what now?”

“We wait for the battle to end.” I say.

“What if Ulquiorra can’t win?” Luppi asks.

I bit the edge of my lip then say, “If Ulquiorra can’t win, than I will fight.”

“Are you sure that that is such a good idea?” Luppi asks.

“It’s the only thing I can do.” I say. “This has to come to an end.”

“That doesn’t mean you need to risk your life for us again.”

“I don’t care about my lie!” I yell. “I’m nothing without Ulquiorra.”

“And he is nothing with out you.”

“That doesn’t mean I can’t try to help.” I say. I need to get to him. I need to help him.

I felt power rain down from the sky. I had a hard time remaining to stand, but I pushed myself to do so anyways. This was Ulquiorra’s power. I have been around it before. I should be able to handle it.

“Luppi, I need to get up there.” I say.

“If it’s what you need to do, then do it.”

“Thanks.” I say. “You are a good friend.” I grabbed onto him and hugged him tightly before letting go, and jumping up into the sky and toward the huge hole in the sky that Ulquiorra created.

Once through the hole, I saw Ulquiorra in his second release form, and Captain Yamamoto using bankai, which I have never saw before.

“Jesus.” I exclaim to myself.

Neither of them looked at me. They both continued fighting. I noticed Ulquiorra had cuts but they were healing quickly. As for captain Yamamoto, he didn’t have a single scratch on him.

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