.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part11

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Chapter 11: Night Alone

I sat up in my bed while Ulquiorra stood in front of me, checking over my body to see the damage done. "How's your ankle?" he asks.

"Oh, I totally forgot that I hurt it." I say while blushing from him looking at me.

"I see. Do you hurt anywhere else?"

I shake my head no, even though in reality my stomach was killing me. If anything I probably had a broken rib or two. But I refused to tell him. He would probably make me lay down until it was healed.

He kept his eyes away from my eyes. I sat there while he examined my stomach, and I watched his eyes. His deep teal eyes seemed to be filled with somewhat of anger and hurt. His bangs, as always, were in his face. It fit him perfectly though. His dark hair against his pale skin made his eyes stand out so much more.

I looked away from him, not being able to look at him while I was lying to him. I hated lying, furthermore to someone I loved, but it was for a good cause. Damn that Grimmjow. I remember passing out just as Ulquiorra's door open. Turned out Ulquiorra showed up and saved me and brought me back to my room. I woke up while he was cradling me in his arms on my bed.

I felt his fingers run along my stomach (note: I don't have a shirt on. Major blush mode). His fingers stopped over my ribs and he pushed lightly. I flinched from the pain, hoping he didn't notice it. "Liar." He states simply. I felt my face flush and I looked at him.

"I'm not lying." I lie again.

"Oh really?" He asks while poking my ribs harder. I gasped from the sudden pain, and felt tears swell up in my eyes. Damn it.

He stood up then and wrapped his arms around me. My face got pulled into his chest and he says, "This is all my fault." My eyes opened wide, and I stare blankly at his chest, unsure of what to say. I pushed him back and looked up at his face. It was hard, but his eyes were closed.

"Ulquiorra, it's not your fault." I say. "How could it have been?"

"I shouldn't have left your side. I should have known." He says while letting go of me and glaring down at the ground. He is mad.... This is new. But it's a start.

"You didn't know he was going to attack me anymore than I knew."

He sighed and walked across the room. "I'm going to get you some food. Stay here. Grimmjow won't lay a finger on you now." He says before walking out the door.

"Ulqui...." I say while the door closed.

Why is he blaming himself? He didn't do this. Things happen. We can't control it.... So why blame himself?....

Ulquiorra's POV

I walked steadily down the hallway trying to focus on what to do next. What is going to happen next? What's Grimmjow's next move? I doubt he is going to try to take over the human world. That's a bit too extreme for him even. He isn't that dumb. So what does he have planned? What does he have in mind? Why is this so tough? I shouldn't even care... and yet... I just don't want Mai to get hurt.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and slowly walked to the cafeteria. These things running through my mind. It's too overwhelming. Why is this all new to me? I'm always the calm, clear minded type, and yet even now, so many things are running though my mind. Will they ever cease to exist?

I stepped into the cafeteria. No one was in here. Strange... why is no one here? Not even the smaller arrancars that cook for us... Where is everyone?.....

I grabbed a plate and threw some food onto it. I grabbed some utensils and slowly made my way back to Mai's room.

Once there, I opened there door quickly, but quietly. She was sitting on the floor looking up threw her window to the world outside these walls. Her eyes didn't move when I stepped in, not that I expected her to look at me. She is probably mad at me and she had every right to be. I didn't protect her when I should have... What kind of.... Well what am I to her? Her boyfriend? Lover? Mate?.... Friend? Nothing?

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