.:Our forbidden love:.(Ulquiorra love story)part4

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Chapter 4: The Arrancars in Gigais

"Are you done?" Rukia asks.

I looked at myself in the mirror. It felt like forever since I had last gone shopping. I turned to the side to see how the shirt and pants fit. The pants were a light blue, and the shirt was yellow. "Ya." I say, as I slid the pants and shirt off. I slid the dress back on, hating the way it felt on me. It was a turquoise dress. It got tight below the chest, and fell loosely down and stopped right above my knees.

I stepped out of the dressing stall and nodded my head to Rukia. "This is all I'll need." I say.

"Okay." She replies.

We walked up to the cash register, and I handed him the money for the clothing and he set the clothes in a bag. We then walked out of the store, and I stopped looking over the mall. "This mall is really big." I say.

"Yeah, it is." She says.

I stretched my arms up and then yawned. "It feels nice, having the air against my skin." I say.

"I agree. That's one thing I miss about living here."

I nodded my head, and we began to walk toward the exit.

Once I was outside walking on the sidewalk with Rukia, a loud beeping sound was buzzing on each of our phones. "Hollow or arrancar?" I ask, unable to get to mine.

"Arrancar." She says.

I through the mod soul pill in my mouth and my soul flew out of my body. "Take those bags back to Urahara's shop." I say.

"Got it." The soul says and took off running.

"Rukia was also out of her body, and we began running towards the arrancar. Please don't let it be someone I know. I beg of you!

We arrived and I stood there, looking around for the arrancar. "Where is it?" I ask.

"Mai, how nice to run into you again." Luppi's voice says. I spun my head, and saw him sitting on a bench. "What do you think of my body?" He asks, standing up. I noticed he had on a pair of jeans and a baggy t-shirt. He had on a pair of black shoes. His mask on his head was also gone.

"You have a gigai?" I asked.

"Aw, you figured that out so soon." He says, looking sad.

"So you guys managed to get those. That was fast. I say, clutching onto my sword.

"You are going to fight me, even though I'm in a gigai?" He asks.

"Uh..." I looked over at Rukia, who also looked confused, but she was also stunned.

"I don't know what to do." She says.

"Damn it." I mutter as I look back at him.

"Where are your gigai's?" He asks.

"We sent them away from this area." I say.

"How sad. I would have loved to see your gigai." He says. I rolled my eyes, and stood up straight since I wasn't able to fight him.

"Get out of your gigai." I say.

"No, I am enjoying it." He says.

"What is your guy's goal?" I ask.

"Not sure. Lord Ulquiorra won't tell us." Luppi says. "He just gave us stronger arrancars gigais."

"Does he have his ten espada?" I ask.

"Yes, he does." Luppi answers.

Damn it! I have to report this to the court guards.

"Rukia, get out of here." I say.

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