.:King of Hueco Mundo:. (Ulquiorra love story)part10

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Chapter 10: Blackness

"Kagami!" I yell while jumping up but Ulquiorra's hand grabbed my arm and he says, "Let her go."

"But you know as well as I do that she is Grimmjow's target. I can't loose her again!" I yell.

"I can't loose you again." He says unemotionally.

I looked at him and shock, and then nodded my head. He must have been terrified when we were visiting Grimmjow.

"I can't loose you either." I whisper.

He wrapped his arm around me and says, "Don't worry about Kagami, I'll take her back to Soul Society."

"No." I say. "She is my sister, I will take her there."

"I'll come with you." He says.

"No." I say. "Let me do this alone."

"What if someone attacks you?"

"I'm strong enough to fend for myself." I say.

"Are you sure?" He asks.


"I can't let you go by yourself." He says.

"Well what do you want me to do?" I ask a bit irritated.

"Let me come with you."


"I'm not going to loose you again." He says. I could feel the intensity of his eyes, and has hands were now on my shoulders.

"I know." I whisper. "But I don't want Grimmjow to be suspicious.

"So let's do it now."

"But I just got her back."

"She will only be a world away." He says while letting go of me. "Let's hurry."

I nodded my head. "I'll meet you at the training grounds."

He turned away and walked away from me. I watched him walk, then I quickly left his room as well and went the opposite direction of him, heading to the training fields. This had better keep her safe...

I finally got to the field, and I began to pace back and forth. Shortly after I was here, so was Ulquiorra and Kagami.

"What do you guys want?" She asks the moment she saw me.

Ulquiorra snapped his fingers together and a zipping noise was made, making a large hole around them. I quickly ran over to where they were and jumped in the hole. Seconds later we were in the dungai.

We began to walk to the opening. 2 large gates opened up, and there was a soul reaper on the other side looking in surprised. "Hey, Kagami, that's you. Who's the other 2?" He asks. Then he looked us over, gasps and says, "Those are arrancars."

The moment he said that, Ulquiorra shot a cero at the guys shoulder, and I quickly hugged Kagami. "What are you guys doing?!" She yells at me.

"I'm sorry." I say. "It's for the best." I pushed her then Ulquiorra made the snap and we were gone. I clung onto Ulquiorra as we returned back to Las Noches. I felt the tears streaming from my eyes.

This was for the best. All that matters is that she is still alive....

"Mai..." Ulquiorra whispers softly in my hair. I pulled him closer to me and stuffed my face in his chest. I inhaled his sweet scent. I knew I was sleep deprived, but all I wanted to do was remain where I was at.

I felt Ulquiorra go stiff under my clasp, so I let go and began to walk and wipe away my tears. He walked into stride with me, and we made our way back to his room.

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