(57) Srilus

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Keith's p.o.v:

He and Allura were currently in the middle of getting him ready to walk down the aisle in a half hour or so, being treated like a doll by his soon to be sister in law. It had been just about four months ago since Lance had proposed to him and it felt like those months had just flown by, most of that time was spent in preparation for the event and the rest was Lance making up for lost time and slowly taking over more and more of his royal duties. The maids that had helped him get dressed stood nearby, admiring the suit he was wearing that they had painstakingly made for him. He appreciated everything that they did for him and all.. but it's a little uncomfortable to have the maids just stand there staring at him like this. Besides the maids, Marzi and their five guards were in the room with them. He kind of wished Kosmo was by his side too but Kosmo had strangely decided to follow Lance around today, it was only considered odd because the space-wolf in question usually stayed close to Marzi or him and sometimes with Griffin.

"Come here little princess, we can't have you getting your clothes all dirty before the ceremony!~" Saria cooed, scooping Marzi and her teddybear up and off the floor and lightly bouncing her in her arms. "Then maybe you should have thought about that before you let her go back to playing on the floor after she was dressed, Ria." Griffin commented with a long sigh. "Oh, shush you." Saria replied back snarkily, taking a seat on the couch with Marzi on her lap. "Hey... Guys? Did Alrid say where he was going? He's kind of taking a long time to come back." Calyx questioned, only getting shrugs in response from Griffin, Saria, and Rithriel. "Actually, I don't think he even said where he was going- just that he'd be right back." Rithriel answered awkwardly, acting as if she was unsure if she was remembering it correctly.

"I'm sure he'll be back in time for the ceremony, don't worry." Allura reassured them all as she started to braid Keith's hair, sticking in hairpins where she deemed them necessary. He watched her in the mirror, feeling kind of anxious as the minutes quickly passed by. They'd have to head over soon and he and Lance will be wed, live for all of their kingdom to see. Totally not nerve wracking at all!.. At least there won't be that many people there for the ceremony in person.. That decision was made purely due to the fact that there was a possibility of rebels sneaking into the event though. "Nervous, Keith?" Allura asked, pinning fake flowers into Keith's hair. "Kind of, I mean- our wedding will be recorded live for the whole kingdom to see pretty soon." he replied. "It's only a couple hundred thousand people, It'll be fine. At least they won't be there in person to see the wedding, safety precautions and all that." Allura stated playfully as she did his makeup. "Yeah, what was I thinking? Pshh, It's only a couple hundred thousand people watching us get married." He replied sarcastically. "Just pretend the cameras aren't there." Saria commented, just trying to be helpful.

"What Ria said, It'll be fine. Just pretend it's just you and Lance, I mean- It's your guy's special day, don't stress too much about the cameras." Allura reassured him. "Yeah, stressing about something like that will just kill the mood." Calyx added. "I'll try not to." He replied with a sigh. The door opened and a slightly disheveled looking Alrid strolled in, gently closing the door behind himself. "Sorry, I didn't mean to take that long." Alrid stated plainly, taking up a position near the door. The other guards almost immediately went to Alrid's side, Saria bringing Marzi with her as she did so. "Are you okay? What happened to you?" Ria questioned as Calyx tilted Alrid's face side to side, examining the redness and slight bruising on the Galran man's face. He would've gotten up too but Allura gave him a, 'don't you dare' look. Which was fair considering they didn't have much time left to finish getting him ready, though he couldn't help but feel worried. What happened?

"Nothing, I'm fine." Alrid replied matter of factly, not being phased at all by the doting nature of the other guards. "Those guys messed with you again, didn't they?" Griffin asked accusingly as he worked on straightening out Alrid's clothing. "Don't lie, Al." Calyx added, crossing their arms angrily. Alrid just kept silent, averting eye contact with them. 'Those guys'? Was Alrid getting harassed or something? How long has this been going on for? This would have to be settled another time but it was definitely being noted, he'd personally deal with it. "Alrid, come here." He stated, holding a hand out for him to come stand beside him as Allura started doing 'finishing touches'. Alrid carefully brushed past the other guards and made his way over, looking guilty all the while. "You aren't in trouble. Could you guys help conceal the bruises on his face with makeup?" He asked the maids, luckily they were still on standby in case they were needed for anything. "Right away, your highness." Two of the maids responded in unison, leading Alrid to another chair and getting started. "While they do that I'm going to call my job here done and make sure Coran and their group of maids did a good job getting Lance ready, someone will escort you when it's time." Allura explained before leaving. They anxiously waited around for their cue to leave, the only one who was unaffected by the upcoming event was little Marzi since she's completely unaware of what's going on, simply content with playing with her teddy bear in Saria's lap.

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