(69) Progress

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Lance's p.o.v:

He ended up staying the night there with Keith, getting to take a better and longer look at the photo albums whilst his mate slept. One of their personal guards was eventually sent to fetch their dinner and Lance had to wake Keith up to eat, finding it a bit amusing how the galra had gone right back to sleep after eating. They had originally gone to sleep on separate sides of the bed, but somehow, someway, they had ended up snuggled up in the middle. It's hard to say if one of them had initiated it, or if this had just happened naturally in their sleep due to instinct. Either way, it's rather pleasant. Lance gently nuzzled the top of Keith's head, debating whether or not to scent his mate when he noticed that the distinct tang of heat was nowhere to be found. That's honestly a relief, he was concerned that his mate might go stir crazy if kept in here much longer. Hell- Keith had even snuck out the other day and gave him a gods damned heart attack! He carefully ran his fingers through Keith's hair with his free hand, avoiding pulling any knots as he subtly started to scent the other. If he leaves too much of a trace on Keith, everyone will think they.. Mated. So he'll just have to try not to go overboard with the scenting. "Mmmm.. Lance?.." Keith mumbled, his face scrunching up before he yawned. "I'm right here, darling.~" He cooed, giving his mate a light squeeze. Keith freed himself to turn onto his back, stretching a bunch before he even considered opening his eyes. "Did you sleep well?" He asked, smiling fondly as his groggy mate moved to cuddle him. "..Mm. I haven't slept that well in ages." Keith muttered before burying his face back into Lance's chest. Does his mate sleep better by his side? That's really cute if that's the case. He went back to petting Keith's hair, just waiting patiently for his mate to get up and start the day. He honestly would love to stay like this all day, in bed with Keith snuggled up close to him. But alas, his mate and him aren't this close normally and their daughter will be upset if neither of them visit her. "Hun.. What time is it?" Keith asked quietly, pulling away enough from Lance's chest to meet the alpha's eyes. "It's nine, almost ten in the morning." He answered easily, having been awake since eight. "Already?" Keith replied with a sigh. "I don't smell anymore right? I'm free to leave?" Keith questioned as he got up, stretching his arms over his head. Lance sat up and nodded, trying to keep himself from looking annoyed, already missing the warmth of his mate in his arms and kind of wishing Keith's heat lasted one more day. If they were a normal couple, they could cuddle whenever they want! But they aren't a normal couple... "Yeah, you're free to come and go as you please." He replied passively as he pulled back his hair into a ponytail. Even though he cherishes Keith, his mate tends to act as if they're strangers or treats him like he's a gods damned pup. He can't help but feel rejected as an alpha, his pride being battered and bruised anytime his mate acts aloof or uncomfortable around him. He's been trying to understand why Keith was acting in such a way ever since he had found out that they were mates, wondering what he could have possibly done to deserve such treatment. There are rare moments when they seem fine.. He just wished those moments would last longer.

Before he knew it Keith was already dressed and heading towards the door to leave, a messenger bag slung over his shoulder and a few books in hand. "Hey, wait!- Where are you rushing off to??" He questioned, almost tripping over himself as he hurried over. His mate seemed to regard him for a few moments, both of them studying each others expression very closely. "I'm to meet Lotor and his son in about a varga(hour).. I have some things to check in on before then." Keith answered honestly, nervously glancing away from the alpha. Son? Lotor has a son now?? No wait- That's not the point! Why the fuck is that bastard coming here in the first place!? Why has his mate agreed to meet with such an abusive man?! He put his hand against the door, keeping it firmly shut so his mate couldn't go anywhere, slightly leaning over Keith. "Why is that despicable cockroach coming here?" He questioned with a low growl, unable to hide his displeasure for the man. That bastard had the audacity to hit Keith! How does that guy think it's okay to just walk into their castle all willy nilly like this!? Keith shivered, raising his free hand to cup Lance's face. "For his son, hun. Prince Srilus had fallen gravely ill a while back and so Lotor had come here, just desperate for someone to save his baby boy. Every once in a while he brings Srilus back for check ups, like today." Keith explained calmly with a soft smile, rubbing Lance's cheek gently with his thumb. For some reason he still can't wrap his head around the fact that that bastard has a pup in the first place, let alone that man begging for help to save them. Who would even willingly mate with someone like that? Gross. "Okay, well why can't Coran just take care of it? Why do you have to greet them?" He asked grumpily, leaning into his mate's touch. Keith's smile widened. "Srilus is a sweet pup." Keith answered simply with a shrug. "Our pup has to be ten times cuter than any that that good-for-nothing can sire!" He argued, sounding genuinely offended that his mate had complimented the young prince. "I understand that you two will probably never get along- and that's fine. But the pup is innocent." Keith said matter of factly, retracting his hand to cross his arms over his chest. "Fine. Whatever. But I want to go with you, so wait out in the hall for me. I'll be right out." He grumbled, already heading towards their closet. "Oh- Okay. I'll be just out here with our guards then." Keith replied awkwardly, the door closing quietly behind him. The last thing he wants to do today is see that fucker's face, but he also doesn't want his mate going anywhere near that man by himself. Lance put on semi formal pants and a nice looking vest to put over a white button down shirt, pausing when he went to grab a pair of shoes, realizing that all of the clothing in here was of typical altean style. Why aren't there any galran styled clothing? Does Keith not like it? Or had this been set up for them and just wasn't included? Maybe he could ask about it.. He pulled on his shoes and went out, unintentionally interrupting a conversation his mate was having with their guards. "..Anyways, like I was saying, I feel fine. Thank you all for the concern though." Keith continued, bowing his head slightly to the four of them before walking off. He quickly caught up to the galra, easily matching the pregnant man's pace by his side, their guards walking further behind them. It'd be nice if they could hold hands..

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