(54) Tablet

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Keith's p.o.v:

Keith glanced towards their big fancy windows, it was still rather dark outside. It was about to be 4am soon, an hour before it's time for the guards to start showing up at the training room. He hadn't even gone to sleep yet, he figured he'd take a nap later once Marzipan's guards were decided. Keith glanced down at his mate who was still laying on him, snuggled up without a care in the world. He didn't want to accidentally wake Lance up.. but he needed to move Lance so that he could get ready to go. Carefully, Lance was moved off of him and he quietly walked over to the enormous closet and started looking for something to wear. Allura had filled it with clothes for both of them to wear in advance, which is nice of her but he had no clue what to choose since all of the clothing seemed to be the traditional Altean style. Doesn't really matter what he wears, though he will probably look even more out of place walking around in Altean clothing.

He sighed and just picked out matching and breathable clothes and got dressed, knowing full well this was probably going to be a really long day. He picked a top he knew would cover the scarring on the back of his neck, not that he was ashamed of his pairing mark but.. now that they were back home it was weird to be out as an omega. As he was getting dressed he noticed a big black box in the corner of the closet and opened it, revealing a small variety of different daggers and a couple of blasters. His and Lance's choice of weapons. Keith grimaced when he looked at the blasters and snatched two of the daggers, quickly closing the box and sliding the daggers into the sides of his boots. One for each hand, one for each boot. Kosmo just so happened to be awake and was currently watching Keith from his spot on the floor beside Marzi's crib, probably just curious as to what he was getting up to at this hour. "Keep Marzi and Lance safe for me while I'm away, okay?" He said quietly, a soft look upon his face as he reached down and pet the wolf-beast. Maybe he was stalling.. He didn't really want to leave his family so early in the morning but he had to go recruit two guards for Marzi. He didn't like the idea of randomly picking guards to keep her safe, if he picked guards who were incapable or untrustworthy he'd never forgive himself.

Okay, okay. "I've got to get going, I'll see you all soon." He whispered as he opened the door, knowing there was little point in saying anything at all but felt better to do so anyway. Keith quietly closed the door behind himself and was about to head down the hallway when he spotted something out of the corner of his eye, he wasn't exactly sure what to expect as he walked over to it. It's just a small thin gray box, sitting there in the hallway. Who left it here? He looked both ways down the hall and thought it was rather suspicious, hesitating before he picked it up and opened it. There was a note inside that read, 'Dear Keith, I got this tablet set up and ready for you to use. I've made a list of the guards who signed up last night on it, you can keep all your thoughts and comments on them on your tablet to help decide later on who you should pick out of the 16 guards. I've also mapped out all of the new secret passageways, feel free to use your tablet to locate and use them if you feel up to it but don't let anyone see you entering or exiting them! Call me or Coran if you need anything, I hope this helps. -Allura'. List? So this means he won't be totally in the dark about who he'll be dealing with, that's great news. As for secret passageways... He'll leave that for another time. Keith carefully took out the tablet and powered it on, immediately met with the list mentioned in the note.

[[This may get a little boring so you can skip past the list if you don't feel like looking at it. Glancing at it can suffice.]]

[[Start of list]]

Guard Information:
(Out of the 16 guards in total: 5 Alphas, 11 Betas.)

*Ignis (Ig-niss) - male/alpha race: Altean Brief desc: short light blue hair, green eyes. Weapon Of Choice: Daggers

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