(66) Good Points

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Keith's p.o.v:

    There they were, sitting in awkward silence a couple feet away from each other on the bed after Keith had finished wrapping up Lance's hand. He absentmindedly stared down at the floor, his hands still fumbling with the roll of bandages. "...Is something the matter?" Lance questioned worriedly, finally breaking the still quietness between them. He slowly lifted his head to turn and look at his mate, blankly glancing away a few times before meeting Lance's gaze head on. That's a rather difficult question to answer.. On one hand, Lance is now aware of what they technically are to each other. On the other hand, that doesn't really change the fact that his mate was still missing all the precious memories that they once shared together. Now it's just him who remembers them. "I was just sort of spacing out, that's all." He mumbled, turning away to pack the bandages back into the first aid kit. Knowing Lance, this fib of his was probably seen through.

    Lance however, didn't seem to have anything to say in response to that. "What'd you want to talk about? You said there was a lot you wanted to hear from me earlier." He asked whilst just trying to calm his own nerves, feeling as if his mate's eyes were piercing through him. "Lot's of things! For example.. When me and you, you know- First became a couple? Stuff that happened while we were on earth, the good, the bad. Where that scar on your face came from, perhaps? Where you got such a scary creature like Kosmo from?.." Lance offered, listing the things off on his fingers at first but stopped part way through. But a lot of things happened between their departure from Altea to their return to Altea... "Well, all of that is quite a long story but.. Those last two question's answers are one and the same. Simply put, it happened on the same day." He replied, realizing how that sounded only after he saw Lance's slightly horrified expression. "Ah- Kosmo didn't do it, I promise. I told you before that he had killed people before when I was in trouble, that's when me and Kosmo had properly met." He added hurriedly, defending his furry friend before his husband could mention getting rid of the wolf.

    "If 'Kosmo' didn't do it, then who did?" Lance questioned irritably, folding his arms over his chest. "Just some space pirate degenerate." He answered curtly, rolling his eyes at the memory. Lance scooted closer to Keith, reaching up to tilt the galra's face this way and that to get a better look at the scar. "That looks like it must've hurt pretty bad. Was it a dagger?" Lance asked, running his thumb over the scar tissue. "Mm." He hummed in reply, staring into his mate's eyes while the alpha in question was still busy inspecting the scar. He hadn't thought much about that particular incident until now.. But now Lance is sitting here fretting over this old wound all over again. A warm smile slowly formed on his face, then he gently removed Lance's hand from his face. "It wasn't all that bad." He stated before patting the top of the other's head. "You were more distraught over it than I ever was." He added fondly, shaking his head at the thought. Lance's face flushed a little, his mouth slightly ajar. "You-You're the one that should be the most upset about it! They cut up your face! How could you act so indifferent about it?" Lance stammered, pointing an accusing finger Keith's way.

    His smile remained as he listened to his mate's rambling, but he looked away from the alpha in question once Lance was finished speaking. Lance is sweet and all, but the truth was that Keith simply hadn't cared what that man had done since he was alive and well and able to return to his mate and pup in the end. "What? Was I supposed to throw a fit? 'Get even' perhaps? I had been the one to gash one of those space pirates faces in the first place, anyhow. So I practically had asked for it. Besides, what's done is done. The one who had done it is dead, Kosmo took care of that one that day. I didn't care all that much when they had done it, either." He reasoned matter of factly. Lance took hold of one of Keith's hands, squeezing it lightly. He turned his head to look at his mate, but the alpha was staring down at their joined hands again.

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