(41) Mr.Loverman

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[[Not as long as the last update but still longer then my normal ones.]]
Lance's p.o.v:

Lance hopped over a fallen tree and then carefully climbed down one boulder after the next, heading back towards the house after spending most of the day out in the woods. He was glad he had pulled his shoulder length hair back in a ponytail because he still had a long way home since he hiked through the woods all day, already tired from hiking it was quite unfortunate for his chest pains to start acting up all of a sudden. Lance had been getting random chest pains for the past 4 days, it wasn't that bad or worrisome at first but the pain in his chest had been getting worse day by day and he was starting to regret going out hiking today. He hoped it would stop and give him a break like it usually did but it wasn't letting up at all right now. Lance clutched his chest in pain with one hand and tried his best to navigate the woods with the other, hoping he hadn't actually gotten himself lost this time. Damn it all.

It's been about two and half weeks since the night Lance had used his alpha voice on Keith, he still hasn't seen or spoken to him and right now he wished he had. He missed him dearly. His chest hurt like hell and at the moment Lance was just doing his best to get home and figure things out after that. He had been sneaking out of the house through his bedroom window to go hiking in the woods like today a lot recently, he didn't tell the other's about these trips outside and it'd be just be his luck to have a heart attack out in the middle of the woods and never be seen again. Lance shook his head at the thought, it wasn't an option to just disappear like that. He still had to make it up to Keith for what he did, but he hasn't even gotten to see him in so long... Would Keith even want to see him?.. Even if Keith didn't want to see him he desperately wanted to see him once more. No way he could just die from a heart attack in these damned woods! He had to see him. But.. All of it looks the same.. This way? Or that way? Damn it. Where the hell?...

   He stumbled along a path that seemed familiar but wasn't so sure it was even a path or if it was just convenient plant growth. Lance hoped it lead home, to Keith and the other's. Gods he didn't think he even deserved to see him but he felt he needed to right now. Lance aimlessly wandered the path, tripping over roots and rocks alike as he tried to power through the pain. He leaned on a tree and looked off into the distance and swore he saw the roof of the mansion, but then again he could be mistaken- or even hallucinating. Either way the roof that was either- really there or hallucinated, was still really far away. Lance pushed himself off of the tree and continued down the path with his newfound hope, he only wishes to make it home and see his beloved's face. To distract himself from the pain he started singing a song to himself, one he quite related to as of lately. "...I'm headed straight for the floor.. The alcohol's served it's tour..." He grimaced and stopped walking for a moment to try to wait for the worst of the pain to subside. "And- it's headed stra-.. straight for my skin leaving me daft, and dim..." He continued to sing quietly through the pain as he started down the path again.

Lance watched his steps but even when taking this extra precaution he was tripping over his own feet and could barely think properly through the pain. "I've got this.. shake in my legs.. Shaking the thoughts from my head... aghhh... fuck.. Why is this happening to me?" Lance questioned aloud, referring to his chest pain. Keith... Oh gods, Keith. What if he never saw him again? No. He will see him again, he just has to. "But who put these waves in the door..? I'm cracking out, I pour.." He sighed as he got mentally prepared for the chorus of the song. "I'm Mr.Loverman, And I miss.... my lover man." His voice broke on the word 'lover'. "I'm Mr.Loverman~ Oh, and I miss my lover~..." He paused as he looked around, he spotted the roof. It was closer now but he still had quite a way to go. The next verse seemed more fitting for Keith to sing and Lance felt he had no business singing those words after what he had done to his partner. [[~The Ways In Which You Talk To Me, Have Me Wishing I Were Gone~]] He continued on singing as if that verse hadn't existed.".... The ways that you say my name.. Have me running on and on.. Oh I'm cramping up, I'm cramping up... but you're cracking up, you're cracking up." The path ended but that wasn't going to stop him, he was on a mission to see his beloved's face at least one more time. The path may have ended but he'll just have to make his own path now, no matter what he will get back to Keith. For a moment he had really forgotten his chest pain but it started to become unbearable, he stumbled over himself and tumbled down the hill. Once the pain subsided a little he got up and tried to find his way through the woods, still clutching his chest as he wandered towards where he believes home is. Lance was limping through the woods at this point and with the long distance between here and the roof that kept coming in and out of view through the trees his will to continue on was dwindling, not gone- but dwindling.

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