(70) Part 3

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Keith's p.o.v:

    Lance and Keith stood on the sidelines chatting with Allura and Coran as a group of castle guards and maids loaded their luggage onto the red lion, quietly going over the upcoming plans that Allura and the other kingdom's leaders would be carrying out in their absence. Their pups were both strapped into a dual baby harness on Lance, Marzipan in front and Noam sleeping soundly in the back. Hopefully their pups won't get too fussy during their ride. Noam has never been brought anywhere yet and the last time Marzi had been she was an infant.

    He gently patted Noam's back through the harness, not paying much mind to Lance and Allura who were once again going over the supply checklist together. "Welp, that seems to be everything. Hopefully those tablets will still function properly from that distance." Allura said with a tired sigh, anxiously tapping her pen on the side of her notebook.

    "Oh please, I'm sure it'll be fine! That model has been in the works for like- ever now, surely it has been perfected by now!" Lance tried to reassure her, cringing in response to Marzipan tugging on his hair. "Pff- I think this little one is bored already.~ Isn't that right?~ You're going to miss your fun aunt, hm?" Allura cooed affectionately, temporarily forgetting her exhaustion as she playfully poked at the pup's chubby cheeks.

    "Careful now, she bites." Lance warned amusedly, knowing first hand that Marzi has a bad biting habit. "She's never bitten me! She loves her auntie! Isn't that right you little cutie patootie.~" Allura gloated proudly, giving the pup's cheeks one more smoosh before letting go. "That doesn't mean she won't ever do it!" Lance argued defensively. Are Marzi and Noam going to end up like those two? Well- anything is better than how his and Orion's relationship is like.

    "..If you two are done having your sibling squabble, it looks like they're done loading up red." He interrupted abruptly, feeling a bit antsy to get to earth and see their 'earth pack'. "Ah, you're right. You two should get going. Oh- and Keith, I'll make sure Orion is safe and sound. No funny business." Allura assured him confidently, jokingly saluting him. "Thank you, really." He replied quietly with a weak smile, repeating her silly gesture before leading Lance onto the red lion.

    Red's mouth closed up after they finally boarded, leaving nothing more for them to do other than quadruple check their luggage and get their pup's settled down in the back room. "Everything seems to be accounted for." He mumbled to himself, checking to make sure that both the crib and bassinet were secure and wouldn't be going anywhere mid flight. "Gods.. I can't wait to see everyone!" Lance gushed excitedly as he carefully removed their pups from the harness and placed them in their respective beds.

    "About that.. Lance, are we going to tell them upfront about your.. condition?" He questioned awkwardly as he helped unbuckle the harness from Lance's back. "I mean- Why wouldn't we? Surely they'd figure out that something was wrong eventually even if we didn't tell them right?" Lance replied hesitantly, setting the harness aside with the rest of the luggage before turning to face Keith. Other than upsetting their 'earth pack' with their unsettling news, he can't think of any other reason not to tell them about what happened to Lance.

    His heart felt heavy but deep down he knew that Lance was right, he allowed himself to move purely on instinct and within a moment's notice he was squeezing his mate tightly in his arms. Lance didn't question it, simply reciprocated the tightness of the hug and gently swayed them side to side. "I don't want to deceive them, they're like family to me. They won't act any differently just because of my accident, don't worry darling. Everything will be just fine, I promise." Lance assured him solemnly, petting Keith's hair as they swayed.

    He took in a deep breath, deeply inhaling his mate's scent and willing himself to calm his nerves. "Alright hun, if that's what you want to do we'll tell them as soon as we get there. I'm sure they'll be surprised enough by our current appearances and our 'little addition' as well, we'll just have to sit them down and tell them all about it." He replied with a sigh, solidly patting Lance's chest twice before separating and heading for the control room. "Should I come with you?" Lance called out after him, clearly not wanting to part just yet.

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