(2) My Altean Stalker.

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Keith's p.o.v:

    Most of his night so far has consisted of talking to unbearably vain lords and ladies, mentally noting each one to report back to the queen later. This is usually his main task when sent to these events, keeping up appearances and getting useful information for queen Ophelia's benefit. There isn't any fun to be had when surrounded by this kind of crowd. Either you have to listen on and on to someone's boring ramblings, or compliment them incessantly. All done just to feign politeness! Keith momentarily scowled at the thought, quickly returning his expression to a neutral one. Gods help him, doing this for long periods of time is just cruel and unusual punishment! Looking pissed off isn't exactly regal though.. Lotor gets chided for that all the time... He smiled to himself, remembering the countless times Lotor has gotten into trouble for scowling at events.

    As the night progressed he grew more and more irritated by the other guests attending the ball, deciding to keep an eye out for Lotor. He'd much rather spend time with his childhood friend than a bunch of old drunk lords and ladies. It took him a long time to finally spot the alpha in question in this awfully crowded ballroom, seeing not only his friend, but the poor Altean that Lotor was currently glaring daggers into. Lotor better not be trying to start a fight... Could they really just be talking? He couldn't exactly make heads or tails out of what the two were saying from here, unable to read their lips from all the way over here. The lords and ladies standing and chatting around him seemed to just be getting louder and louder, becoming rather difficult to tune out at this point. Keith wore a princely smile, turning his attention back to entertaining the group he was currently mingling with. He'll just have to check in on those two later.

. . .

    "-and then my husband here, fell out of the airship just completely and utterly wasted!" One of the ladies said whilst lightly slapping her husband's arm. Why is she acting like her husband being that much of a drunkard is acceptable? It's not acceptable at all! Most of the guests here have people to look after, whether it's only a few or a ton. This man in particular he knows for a fact, has quite a few. He'll have to keep an eye on this man's activity in the future.. Ugh. He forced himself to laugh along with them, not finding this conversation- or any conversation he's had tonight to be at all amusing. He finally said his goodbyes to this particular group of insufferable guests and walked towards a smaller group, consisting of two alteans and three galran men. Keith quickly analyzed each of their appearances as he shook their hands, taking in every miniscule detail as he did so. Four lords and.. Princess Romelle? Hm.. An odd group indeed. "I'm prince Keith, from the second galran kingdom." He greeted, more or less just introducing himself to the alteans since he's already rather well acquainted with the three galran lords. "Ah- I'm princess Romelle, from the second altean kingdom. This is one of my lords from one of the bigger parts of my kingdom." Romelle replied sheepishly, gesturing to the large man beside her. He knew it was her! "I'm embarrassed to admit it, but this is actually only my third time attending an event away from my kingdom." She added nervously, seeming ashamed of her lack of experience away from her home planet. "Nothing to be embarrassed about, we all have to start somewhere!" He replied in a reassuring tone. Aren't the altean royals just a bit too overprotective?

    The six of them continued to chat on and on, him and Romelle being the more talkative of the group and often leaving the others out. They talked about this and that for a while before talking about politics, including things he had already heard in conversation thirty other times tonight with other groups of people this evening alone. One thing led to another and they ended up talking about their brothers and parents, this topic being prompted by Romelle. Keith would rather bite off his own tongue than bring up this topic himself, but since Romelle was curious, he had no choice but to play nice. After a little while he started to disassociate from their group's conversation, as he usually did at these kinds of events.

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