(47) Stay

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Lance's p.o.v:

     A few days has past since they visited 'Grandma' and at the moment he and Keith are taking a nap on the couch, he was laying on the outside bit pretty much just so he could 'keep Keith from falling off the couch'. The other housemates have been coming and going from the living room as they pleased, ignoring the lovey dovey couple taking up one of the couches. They would've suggested moving their nap to their room but waking them up wasn't really an option, Hunk tried to do so and he just got his hand swatted away from Lance by a half-asleep Keith. Simply trying to tell them to 'wake up and move' didn't work either.

. . .

   Lance woke up a couple hours into their nap, but he stayed put so his mate can get as much rest as he could. He noticed Pidge and Shiro were on the other couch watching a movie and didn't really pay them any mind, his thoughts wandered off as he cuddled with his omega. Wonder how long they've been watching movies. Keith's scent is a little different? Not really different per say... Maybe it was just stronger? Wait- oh. O h. Keith's heat must be starting up soon isn't it? It seems like it is, it's around the same intensity his scent was the last time it came around.

Though Lance didn't understand quite why it happened- he knew pregnant omega's heats were irregular. He just wasn't sure how to react, he has been babying Keith to the point of annoyance! Was he now supposed to stop babying him and get him through his heat by mating, or to just simply baby him more and take care of him as you would a sick person? His instincts were a mess, he couldn't decide between one or the other. Lance did take into consideration Keith's wants and wishes but for now decided it would be best to take the omega back to their own room and decide what to do about all this later.

He scooped up the small omega and carried him back towards their room, Shiro and Pidge barely sparing a glance towards him as he left. Lance gently set his mate down on their bed and pulled the blanket up and over Keith's sleeping form, as he went back to lock their bedroom door he contemplated what to do again. Help Keith through mating or to keep a distance? He wasn't sure he'd be able to handle it when Keith's scent would inevitably get stronger near the middle of his heat cycle. He'd have to leave him alone in their room until it's over.. Asking Keith about it first was probably for the best though. Lance went back over to the bed after locking the door, as he crawled under the covers and got snuggled up with Keith his mate mumbled something unintelligible. Sleep talking, huh? Cute.

. . .

An hour or a little bit less than an hour later Keith woke up and brought his head up off of Lance's chest to look at the alpha who simply stared back at him with a smile. "Have a nice nap?" He questioned, running a hand through the other's hair. Keith simply nodded before resting his head back down on the alpha's chest. "So.. I've noticed your scent has kind of started to get stronger again, and I suspect it's because of your heat but- I don't know what to do for you during your heat this time. Should I leave you be by yourself in our room or?..." He trailed off, not exactly finishing what he wanted to say. Lance sat up and watched as the omega got up and moved to sit on top of his lap, unsure of what was going through his mate's head right now he just stared wide eyed. "Why would you leave me by myself? You aren't going to mate with me?" Keith questioned, with a slight tilt of his head and a confused look plastered on his face. "I would but... I don't want to overdo it, you're pregnant and that fact alone is kind of conflicting everything going on in my noggin lately. On one hand my instincts are trying to keep you safe and protect you, to the point of being overprotective- I just don't know if I can mate with you during your pregnancy, I don't want to risk anything or harm you in any way. I'm not sure how to explain it really. On the other hand I want to mate with you throughout your heat and help you through this, I know your scent will naturally drive me just about crazy in a day or two if I continue to stay in this room with you I just don't know what to do. Stay or spend time out of our room during your heat?" He rambled, not making any eye contact with the omega sitting on his lap at all.

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