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Jai'lani Amor Higgins

Homewood IL
June 4th,2018

It was Thursday Mid day and it was busier than it has been all week which meant Jai'lani was working her ass off dealing with all types of customers. She was exhausted since she's been here since 6 am this morning. She felt like she was about to give out at any moment.

"You want these two colors correct?" Jai'lani asked the elderly couple who were shopping for paint for their living room

"Yes please sweetheart" The elder lady smiled causing Jai'lani to smile back

"Will that be all?" Jai'lani asked them to make sure they didn't need help with anything else before she walked away to get their paint.

"No that will be all sweetheart" The lady told her and Jai'lani nodded

"It will only be a moment"She informed them grabbing the pamphlet that contained the colors they picked out and the two cans they gave her walking over to the computer.

She placed the pamphlet on the counter grabbing a can opening it up. She placed it under the computer making sure it was on correctly before typing the color into the computer letting it do the rest.

"Why is it so busy"Carlos said coming over to their station so he could hide from the customers in his department.

"They overworking you too?" Jai'lani asked him as she looked around seeing that the store was getting busier by the minute

"I don't even think overworking is the right word no more" Carlos shook his head looking around the paint area seeing that it was just as busy. He didn't understand how all these people were here "Shouldn't all these motherfuckers be at work?" He said making the workers laugh and a couple of customers look his way

"They on that unemployment" Jai'lani said taking the first can from under the computer replacing it with the second.

"They need to give me some of that unemployment cause this shit ain't it"Bianca shook her head handing the man she was helping his stuff.

Jai'lani laughed shaking her head at her friends.  She finished up the old couples cans putting them in a cart giving it to them.

"Here you guys go! Have a nice day" She smiled wiping her hands on her apron

"Thank you so much!. Have a blessed day" They grabbed their things walking off leaving Jai'lani to deal with the rest of the customers

She was about to take another customer when someone else caught her attention

"Well look who we have here" Kash smirked making his way to her "Ready to help me again?" He raised his eyebrow looking around He couldn't lie and say that some about Jai'lani didn't intrigued him but he didn't know what. But he was determined to find out which was why he came back

"What do you need?" Jai'lani asked him as she cleaned up her station a little.

"Come here" He signaled for her to follow him

Sighing she walked around the counter following him down the aisle until he stopped in front of some Dutch boy paint for kitchen

"You need kitchen paint?" She raised her eyebrows turning to look at him

"What color you think would be nice for a kitchen?" He asked trying to see what her taste in interior decorating was like

"I for sure wouldn't do white because it's too dirty for a kitchen but that's just my opinion . But I honestly can't really tell you because I need to look at all the appliances in order to see what matches. So unless you got pictures of your kitchen I can't really help you" Jai'lani shrugged looking at him who had a smirk on his face. She shook her smiling looking away

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