Twenty One

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Carlos Ramirez

Naperville IL

September 27th,2018

It was just after midnight and Carlos was waiting in his car for his victim to arrive home. He looked at the clock seeing that he should be home in just a few minutes. While he waited he made sure that his Ski mask was on right and that there was no way to identify him. He grabbed his two glocks making sure they were both fully loaded and ready to shoot if needed.

A few minutes later he was blinded by bright headlights coming down the street. He quickly ducked down making sure not to be seen as the truck pulled into the drive way. Slowly getting up he saw the guy get out the truck leading the female he was with towards the house.

He slid the guns into his waistband pulling his hoodie down making sure you couldn't see anything. He reached into the back seat grabbing the duffle bag just as he got a text letting him know it was time.

Carlos locked his phone throwing it in the glove compartment. Starting the car he drove it towards the alleyway making sure to park the car a few houses down. Turning the car off he hopped out and made his way to the house where his cousin was waiting to let him in. 

Once she seen Carlos approaching she quietly opened the door letting him in before closing it back up along with the curtains.

"I made sure all the cameras are disabled but we still need to be quick"She said walking away

"You know where everything's at?"Carlos asked taking his gun out making sure it was off of safety  following behind his cousin.

"Yeah follow me"His cousin whispered leading him down the hall then down a pair of stairs that lead to an office. "This the code for both safes. I'll be upstairs keeping an eye out on him"She told him leaving the office so Carlos could do what he had to do.

Carlos looked around the office impressed by how big and organized it was. Unzipping his duffle bag he then unlocked the first safe. Opening it up he saw all kinds of jewelry and diamonds. Grabbing all of them he threw them into the duffle making sure not to leave anything behind. Wiping the safe he closed it making sure to wipe the outside of it as well.  Carlos then proceeded to look for the other safe.

"Where can it be"Carlos said to himself before finding the safe behind an old picture. "Jackpot"He smirked once he seen how much money was in the safe. Putting it all in the bag he proceeded to repeat the same process as the first safe. Once the second safe was empty he made sure to clean everything before walking out and back up the steps.  He made sure to look around to see if there was anything else he could take.

Just as he reached the top of the stairs his cousin appeared from another set of stairs

"You done?"She whispered sliding her ski mask down. Carlos nodded making his way back out the back door.

His cousin made sure to clean the door handles locking it from the inside before running behind Carlos towards his car.

Reaching the car they both threw everything in the back seat before hopping in speeding off. Their hearts were beating fast as they looked around making sure nobody was following them. When they were sure that nobody was behind them they hopped onto the expressway. Taking their ski mask off they felt like they could finally breathe again

"You good?"Carlos asked his cousin who was in the passenger seat going through the things she took

"Yeah.  Wonder how long until they find him"She asked looking over at Carlos who shrugged

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