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Kinda long!

Symere Cross Blevins

Chicago IL

September 15th,2018

Symere pulled into his drive way after a long day at school. He was exhausted and just wanted to shower and take a nap before he had to report to work tonight. Parking his car he turned it off taking the keys out of the ignition. Letting out a sigh he got out reaching over to the passenger seat grabbing his bookbag slinging it over his shoulder closing his car door. Making sure to lock it he made his way up the driveway and into his house. Hanging his bag on the hook by the door he made his way to the kitchen trying to get something to drink.

Walking into his kitchen he was about to open his fridge when someone started banging on his door. Turning around he headed back out the kitchen heading towards the living room.

"Who the fuck?"Symere asked himself shaking his head hoping it wasn't any bullshit because he wasn't in the mood for none of that.

Checking out the window he seen that it was Kash. He wondered what he could possibly want. Symere hadn't talked to him since the day he left his house without saying a word before going off on Jai'lani. Opening his door he was about to speak but Kash walked right past him heading towards the kitchen.

"Damn nigga can't even say wassup to yo cousin and shit?"Symere asked closing his door following behind Kash seeing him going through his fridge.

" Yo ass been ignoring me like I ain't yo cousin and shit"Kash looked over at Symere before going back to see what Symere had to eat. He was starving and didn't feel like wasting money on fast food.

"You ain't gonna find shit in that fridge"Symere said taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"I can see that shit. Don't got no type of food in this hoe"Kash said closing the fridge "But wassup with you?" He asked him taking a seat at the table

"Just trying to stay at the top of my class and work so I can stack up"Symere told him getting up grabbing a bottle of water before taking a seat again "Aside from that just trying to come up with a way to get the bread them fuck ass lawyers want"

"Have you heard from them laterly?"

"They called me a few days ago on some bullshit"Symere shook his head taking a drink from his water.

"What they say?"Kash asked getting up getting himself a water as well.

"That I had two more weeks to come up with the bread before they dropped the case"Symere shook his head not believing how hard it was starting to get trying to get his brother out. He never thought he was going to have to go back to his old ways completely in order to have some hope of seeing his brother free again.

"Two weeks? Fuck these niggas think we are? They knew we ain't have all that bread when they agreed to take the fucking case and now they wanna be on bullshit"Kash said getting angry. At this point he felt like they were starting to take advantage of them and he wasn't fucking with it

"Same shit I've been saying. But they the only hope I got of Marcus ever being free"Symere hated how the lawyers were moving but there was nothing he could do because without them Marcus' chances of getting out were going to be slim and he wasn't having that.

"Yeah I feel you man"Kash shook his head

"But wassup with you and Tiara? She done with you this time?"Symere asked switching the subject trying to easy his way into the conversation about Jai'lani.

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