Thirty One

931 48 42


Symere Cross Blevins

Chicago IL

November 21st,2018

Symere sat in his parents driveway staring at the ultra sound pictures that Jai'lani and him had gotten earlier at their appointment. As he stared at the black and white pictures he couldn't help but crack a smile. Hearing the doctor tell them that everything was looking good and the baby was healthy made him feel something he never felt before. The doctor had also told Jai'lani that she needed to remain as stress free as possible and he was going to try and do everything in his power to make sure it happens.

Taking a deep breath he hid the pictures making sure nobody could see them. He looked at the clock and realized he had been sitting in his car for almost an hour trying to get his thoughts together. Symere had decided to have a talk with his mother after receiving the letter from his brother yesterday. Looking around he grabbed his keys out the ignition opening his car door. Looking around he closed the door making his way towards his parents front door locking his car. Reaching the door he rang the doorbell  waiting for someone to answer it. He couldn't remember the last time he popped up to his parents house unannounced.

"Symere?"His mother opened the door confused as to why he was at her house since he never stopped by unless it was Sunday brunch. "What's wrong?"She moved out the way letting him walk in

Symere walked into his mother's living room taking a seat on the couch. His mother walked in behind him taking a seat across from him waiting for Symere to speak but she could tell that something was really bothering him so she was going to have to speak first.

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong with you or are you just going to sit here and stare at that piece of paper?"Symere's mom crossed her legs

Symere looked at the paper one more time before sliding it across the coffee table so his mother could read it

"Read it"Symere's mind was racing with so many different scenarios as to why his brother wanted to see him. "Have you been drilling Marcus head about me visiting him?"

"No I actually haven't"His mother said truthfully. After her last discussion with Symere and seeing how upset he had gotten she decided to drop the issue and let Symere move on his own time. "You brother hasn't called in two weeks now so anything he wants to tell you has nothing to do me"

Symere sat in silence letting his thoughts run wild. He didn't know why it was so hard for him to see his brother behind bars but it was.

"Are you going to go?"His mother asked trying to see where Symere's head was at now that his brother personally asked him to visit

"Got no choice now"Symere shrugged "I'm not about to leave him hanging. I don't know when but I know I have to"

"Listen baby do whatever you think feels right. If you feel like you're finally ready to see your brother than go but if you're not then don't go okay. Marcus will understand at the end of the day"Symere's mother learned to let her children make their own choices "Maybe Jai'lani can go with you"She smiled

"Jai'lani?"Symere raised his eyebrow caught off guard at the fact that his mother even suggested that

"That is her name isn't?"His mother asked making sure she didn't get the young lady's name wrong.

"Yeah that's her name but I never expected to hear you say that"Symere shrugged "You never really fuck with any female I bring over"

"Watch your mouth boy"His mother mugged him "And every female you've bought to meet me was either a hoe or a gold digger but I get a different vibe from her. Her aura is soft and gentle. I would like to get to know her a little better but so far I like her"

Wasn't In The Plan-KV & Ann MarieWhere stories live. Discover now