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Carlos "Los" Ramirez

Chicago IL

July 3rd,2018

It was a beautiful Tuesday morning with the sun shinning brightly through Carlos' living room window where he was laid out still sleeping recovering from last nights events

"Carlos"Carlos' mother yelled from the kitchen where she was getting her lunch ready for work "Carlos"She yelled again since he didn't answer the first time. "Este nino no escucha(This boy can't hear)" She said to herself shaking her head walking out the kitchen seeing Carlos laid out on the couch "Get your ass up"She walked over to him shaking him up causing Carlos to jump up scared because he didn't know what was going on

"Damn ma! Giving my ass a heart attack and shit"Carlos smacked his lips getting back comfortable on the couch

"Watch your mouth! Get up and move your car parking behind me knowing I have to be at work"She threw the couch pillow at him

Getting irritated Carlos hopped up from his spot sliding his slides on grabbing his keys off the coffee table standing up. He stretched his body cracking his back before walking over to the door opening it and walking out instantly getting blinded by the sun

"Fuck man"He yelled closing his eyes rubbing them then adjusting them to the light. Walking down the steps he looked around on his way to his car.

Unlocking it he got in starting the car up then pulled out the drive way parking his car in the street that way he wouldn't be bothered no more. Turning the car off he took the keys out of the ignition getting out closing the door then locked it jogging back inside the house.

"Better be good Carlos! No hagas estupideces! (Don't do no stupid shit)" His mother warned him because she was tired of worrying if she was going to get the call that her son was killed. She had 4 sons, and out of the 4 Carlos was the worst.

"I won't"Carlos waved her off. He loved his mama but he hated hearing her complain about the way he was living.

Shaking her head she walked out leaving Carlos alone in the house. Los turned the tv on laying back down hoping he could go back to sleep but he was soon disappointed when his phone started ringing letting him know someone was facetiming him. Reaching in his pocket he tried to get his phone but realized it wasn't there.

Getting off the couch he searched around sticking his hand inside the couch finally finding it. Pulling it out he saw that it was Jai'lani and Bianca doing three way Facetime. Sliding his finger across the screen he answered the call and soon they popped up on his screen.

 Sliding his finger across the screen he answered the call and soon they popped up on his screen

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"What  the fuck ya'll asses want?" Carlos asked laying back down.

"Damn nigga over here mad for no reason"Jai'lani said making Bianca laugh

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