Forty Six

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Not edited!

Symere Cross Blevins

Chicago IL

April 21,2022

Symere sat at his desk going through the pile of paper work for the case he was currently working on. It had been two years since Symere had walked across the stage graduating from Law school.

The past two years have been difficult but like always Symere had been able to overcome everything that had been thrown his way. After graduating he went on to pass his bar exam  finally achieving his dream of becoming a criminal defense lawyer. Things were finally falling into place for him and he couldn't be happier.

Symere flipped through the pages frowning because something seem off "Fuck wrong with this shit?"He questioned going through the other papers seeing if by any chance the papers he was looking for were hidden somewhere on his desk.  "Is this it?"He asked himself reading over the paper as his phone began ringing.

Symere picked the phone up seeing that it was his brother calling. Sliding his finger across the screen he answered the call.

"Wassup?"Symere answered putting the phone to his ear continuing to read over the papers trying to find the missing pieces.

Marcus put the phone on speaker placing it on the counter "Nigga what time yo ass coming home? You was suppose to take Gianna to the movies"

Symere looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall realizing that it was later than her thought "Fuck bruh I was so caught up with this shit I ain't even look at the time"He began gathering the papers "I'm about to clean up and I'll be on my way"

"What should I tell Gianna? She's ready waiting by the door for you" Marcus looked over an upset Gianna who was staring out the window waiting for her uncle

Symere sighed because it was already too late to take her to the movies "Uh pass the phone to her"

Marucs walked over to Gianna passing her the phone "Hey G your uncle wants to speak with you"He told her

Grabbing the phone Gianna put it to her ear "Hello?"She sighed seeing what excuse her uncle had for standing her up. 

"Hey G! I'm sorry baby girl. I got caught up with some stuff at work"Symere put all the files into his brief case "But I promise I will make it up to you this weekend!"

Gianna sighed not even wanting to believe Symere "Uncle Sy this is the fourth time you did this!"

Symere shook his head knowing she was right "I know baby girl but I will make it up to you! Now I'm going to pick up some pizza and snacks for us and we can watch a movie at the house. How that sound?"He grabbed his things walking towards he door

Gianna squealed "Really? We can watch 'Princess and The frog'"She got up running into the kitchen "Daddy can I bake cookies for Mine and Uncle Sy's movie night?"She asked making Symere chuckle

Symere looked around his office one last time making sure he had everything "Sounds like a plan see you soon G"He hung up sliding his phone into his pocket exiting his office.


Symere kissed his niece on the forehead before exiting her bedroom making sure to turn the lights off as he closed her door. Turning the hallway lights off Symere walked through the dark hallway until he reached his home office. He still needed a lot to go over before his court date in a week and wanted to be ready.

Last year Symere and Marcus both went half and purchased a 4 bedroom home giving them each their own bedroom while also allowing Gianna to finally her own bedroom at her father's house where she spent most her time. This also gave Symere the chance to turn the extra bedroom into an at home office for him.

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