Forty Three

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Not edited!

Jai'lani Amour Higgins

Los Angles California

August 2nd,2019

Jai'lani walked through the crowded hospital heading towards the exit. It was now the end of her shift and she couldn't wait to get home and shower.  Today was one of the toughest days she's had since being out here. The amount of children that came in today broke her heart.

Sighing she decided to stop at the vending machine so she could grab a quick snack to hold her hunger off until she got home.

"Ja'lani!"One of her coworkers called out spotting Jai'lani at the vending machine "You're leaving already?"

"Hey Camila"Jai'lani smiled grabbing the bag of chips and snicker bar from the vending machine "Yeah my shift ended a few minutes ago. What time are you off?"

"I still got two more hours"Camila rolled her eyes at the thought  of staying here two more hours "But my man is coming  to drop off breakfast for me so you can finally meet him"She smiled grabbing Jai'lani's hand walking out the building

Camila had wanted to introduce Jai'lani to her boyfriend for the past month and a half because she felt like Jai'lani would be the perfect fit for his brother.

"You're still on that"Jai'lani laughed following Camila out the building shaking her head "Why you so thirsty for me to meet this mans and his brother?"She questioned opening her snickers bar

"Because I feel like you two would really click"Camila shrugged "And they're from Chicago too so you guys might have some things in common"

"Camila I told you I already had some going on with somebody"Jai'lani chuckled taking a bite of her candy bar "He got money?"She raised her eyebrow

"Girl yes! Shit if anything he could be yo sugar daddy"Camila laughed "Nah but they're good people and I love their parents. Some of the sweetest people you'll ever meet"She said as a car pulled up catching both of their attention "He's here!"She squealed running over to the car

Jai'lani stood in her spot laughing at how enthusiast Camila was on them two meeting. Jai'lani wasn't really in the mood to entertain another man when she was still trying to figure our her feelings for Symere and Jarod. So adding another man was out of the question.

Jai'lani watched Camila interact with her boyfriend who Jai'lani was guessing didn't want to meet her either since he still hadn't gotten out the car.The door finally opened and the man got out turning his attention towards Jai'lani.

She was getting ready to throw away her wrapper when she caught a glimpse of the guy coming over to her causing her to do a double take. Getting a good look at him Jai'lani couldn't believe her eyes. Feeling her heart drop she decided to take off running before he could get to her. She couldn't do it.

Reaching her car Jai'lani wasted no time jumping in turning it on. She looked back seeing that Camila's boyfriend was running after her. Switching gears Jai'lani pulled off and out the parking lot before he could get to her. Her whole body began shaking as tears began falling as flash backs of her past began taking over her head.

Jai'lani sped all the way home trying to contain her breathing as she pulled into the parking lot of her apartment building. Parking her car Jai'lani finally allowed herself to break down. She didn't know why but seeing her blood brother get out of that car triggered something in her. His presence took her back to her childhood. A place she never wanted to return too.

After the state took her and her brothers from their home she lost all contact with them. She never knew what had happened to them and she couldn't really say that she cared to know either. But now she realized that the reason she never heard anything was because they left Chicago.

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