Fifty One

574 30 51


Jai'lani Amour Higgins

Los Angels CA

July 1,2022

Sighing Jai'lani walked out of one of her patient's room before walking into another one that was located right next door. Today was busier than normal which was stressful for all the staff.

Walking in Jai'lani smiled "Good morning Mr.Evans! How are you doing this morning?"She questioned as she typed in her information into the computer so she could access his chart

Mr Evans smiled back "As good as I can be when I'm stuck in this place"He rolled his eyes irritated with the fact they hadn't released him yet

Jai'lani chuckled shaking her head "I promise you we're doing everything we can to get you out of here tonight!"She assured him walking over to him so she could check his vitals again

"Well ya'll need to work harder! I have a movie marathon I need to get home to watch!"

Seeing that his vitals were good Jai'lani inserted them into his chart. Logging out of the computer she turned to Mr.Evans "Alright everything looked good so I'll let the doctor know so he can give you one last check up before you're discharged"She smiled

Mr.Evans returned the smile before turning his attention back to the tv letting Jai'lani to walk out the room. Pulling out her phone Jai'lani checked the time seeing that she still had 6 hours left of her shift.

Huffing Jai'lani slid her phone into the pocket of her scrubs "Why do they have have me doing doubles twice in a row"She said to herself walking back to the nurses station

"Jai" Jai'lani heard someone yell causing her to turn around seeing that it was Camila "Where you going?"Camila questioned

Jai'lani stopped walking letting Camila catch up to her "I was just heading back to my desk why?"

Camila smirked "Because something just arrived for you!"She squealed happy for her friend "You're going to die"

Jai'lani chuckled rolling her eyes at how dramatic Camila was acting "So I'm guessing you're not going to tell me what it is?"

Camila shook her head "Now why would I ruin the surprise?"She raised her eyebrow "Now come on!"She hooked her arm with Jai'lani's leading her down the hallway and towards the nurses station

Jai'lani laughed at how eager Camila was acting the whole way down the hall. Reaching the station she made her way to her seat seeing a beautiful flower arrangement waiting for her at her desk.

 Reaching the station she made her way to her seat seeing a beautiful flower arrangement waiting for her at her desk

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A smile formed on Jai'lani's face as butterflies began forming in her stomach. Shaking her head she walked over picking up the flowers smelling them.

"When are you going to introduce me to the man who's been sending you all these flowers?"Camilia questioned

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