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Short chapter!

Symere Cross Blevins

Chicago IL

September 12th,2018

Symere pulled up to Kash's house parking his car in his drive way. He looked around and noticed that he wasn't home.

"How this nigga gonna call me to slide and not even be here?"Symere asked himself pulling out his phone sending Kash a text asking where was he at.Kash texted back letting him know he had to get Tiara and would be home shortly.

Shaking his head he decided to Facetime Jai'lani and see what she was up to since he hadn't talked to her since this morning. Going to his call log he pressed her name calling her.

"What do you want Symere?"Jai'lani asked once the call connected

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"What do you want Symere?"Jai'lani asked once the call connected

"Damn a nigga can't call or some?"Symere raised his eyebrow admiring how fine she looked. Symere loved that Jai'lani was naturally beautiful.

"Nope. You not allowed to call my phone since you love playing"Jai'lani rolled her eyes causing Symere to laugh

"You still mad I hung up on you?"Symere asked still laughing

"Don't worry about it"Jai'lani shrugged trying to refrain from laughing which caused Symere to smack his lips

"What you got planned for today?"He asked seeing if there was a way he could see her once he left Kash's 

"I'm going out with my girls tonight"Jai'lani said looking at her closet remembering she needed to pick out an outfit

"What girls? And where yo ass going?"Symere asked because aside from Bianca he didn't really know any other girls

"Dont' worry about all that. Just know I'm going out"Jai'lani shrugged texting her girls back asking what time they were leaving so she could be ready.

Her friends from college were home for the week and wanted to get together and catch up tonight.

"You really not gonna tell me?"Symere raised his eyebrow

"You annoying"Jai'lani laughed "The girls want to go to some club but I don't know which one"Jai'lani shrugged making a mental note to ask them what club they were going to

"Yo ass going to the club on a Wednesday?"

"Yeah is that a problem?"Jai'lani said answering a text from Bianca

"Don't you got work?"Symere asked because he knew how much Jai'lani hated going out when she had work the next morning.

"Nah. I got fired so I'm jobless right now"Jai'lani pouted

"Wait fired? For what?"

"Because this dude I was fucking with baby mama showed up to my job talking shit and she put her hands on me so I fucked her up in the parking lot. Customers saw and complained so they fired me talking about how it makes the company look bad"Jai'lani rolled her eyes not believing that fucking with Kash bought her so much drama and even cost her, her job. "I didn't even know he had a baby mama or kids. That's the crazy part"She shook her head

"Niggas ain't shit"Symere shook his head "But you beat shorty ass?"He asked and Jai'lani laughed "Man wish I could've seen that. But yo ass better not fuck with him no more"Symere said getting serious.

"Boy you can't tell me who I can and can't fuck"Jai'lani laughed not believing him right now

"So you still going to fuck him?"

"If I want to yeah"Jai'lani shrugged. Although she didn't plan on messing with Kash anymore, she didn't like that Symere was trying to control her when he was doing him.

"Ight. Play if you want"Symere chuckled shaking his head not feeling it one bit

"Nah. Don't do that because you out here fucking other females and I don't say shit about it Capone"Jai'lani told him because she didn't see the issue

"Don't fucking call me no fucking Capone. It's Symere to you"Symere mugged her not liking how his street name sounded coming from her "And like I said play if you want"

"And like I said. Ima do what the fuck I want Capone"Jai'lani mugged him but before Symere could respond he seen Kash pull up next to him

"Man I'll call you later"Symere said hanging up getting out the car seeing Kash and Tiara get out of Kash's car arguing like the always did

"I'm fucking tired of yo shit Tiara. Always doing the fucking most then fucking crying when you get beat the fuck up"Kash yelled walking inside his house not even acknowledging Symere

"If you weren't out here fucking anything with a fucking pussy I wouldn't have to do what the fuck I do"Tiara yelled after Kash walking in the house as well.

"We're not fucking together Tiara"Kash put his arms up trying to keep his cool because the last thing he wanted was to hit her in front of his cousin. "You doing the fucking most when I've made it clear we not in a relationship bruh"

Symere stood against the wall of the entry way watching the scene unfold. He never got involved in their fights unless they got physical. So for now he was jus going to mind his business and watch from the sidelines.

"You say that but then come over and fuck me and tell me you love. I don't get it! And then you defending the bitch instead of asking if I'm okay! She bashed my fucking head in!" Tiara yelled hurt at the fact that Kash was acting like he didn't care about her. When Kash found out about what Tiara did instead of making sure Tiara was good he went off on her.

"I'm not defending shit Tiara! You went to the girls job and attacked her there! You fucking got yo ass beat because you started this shit"Kash yelled moving closer to Tiara catching Symere's attention "You went looking for an ass beating and you got it!"

Symere put his phone away giving them his full attention

"I told you I needed somethings and I just saw her there!"Tiara lied hoping Kash would believe her

"You really expect me to believe that shit? Come on now T. I ain't fucking stupid. Out of all the fucking Menards we got out here in the city you gonna go to the burbs for some shit?"Kash asked waiting for Tiara's response but she was quiet because she knew there was nothing she could say now. "Exactly miss me with that shit"

"Wait what's going on?"Symere asked trying to get a better understanding on the situation and trying to see if the female they were talking about was Jai'lani because it all sounded like the story that she had just told him earlier.

"Tiara's upset because she got beat up by this girl I'm seeing.Told her ass to leave shit alone since the beginning but she don't fucking listen"

"How am I suppose to stand back and watch you fall in love with someone else?"Tiara yelled crying full blown tears

Symere didn't know why but this whole story was Causing his blood to boil. He felt like he was being played and that's one thing he didn't tolerate.

"Same way you out here fucking every Nigga that shows you attention. Crying trying to play victim like you fucking innocent"Kash waved her off tired of the scene she was causing.

"Wait. You in love with another female? Who? What's her name?"

"Nah I ain't in love with nobody"Kash said making sure he looked at Tiara when he said it"And her name is Jai'lani"




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