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Jai'lani Amour Higgins

Homewood IL

August 17th,2018

It was a rainy Friday after noon as Jai'lani sat in the breakroom of her job. Her doctor had finally given her the clear to return back to work once he seen that her wounds healed up nicely and she was no longer in pain. The news was all Jai'lani was waiting for because she couldn't wait to start living her life again. She hated not being able to do anything for herself and most importantly she hated that she couldn't make money.

"I can't tell you how happy I am to have yo ass back"Bianca said as she took a seat next to Jai'lani. Bianca hated not being able to do anything with her partner in crime.

"I'm happy to be back"Jai'lani said taking a drink from her apple juice "Well not here but back outside"She added causing her and Bianca to laugh

"So what we doing this weekend since it'll be your first weekend back outside?"Bianca questioned her because she knew Jai'lani had a list of things she wanted to do once she was healed up.

"Girl I don't even know"Jai'lani laughed "I had a whole list of shit and now that I'm actually able to do shit my mind going blank"She shook her head trying her hardest to remember at least one thing that she wanted to do once she was cleared

"Jai'lani"One of their co workers called out walking into the breakroom

"Yeah?"Jai'lani answered confused as to what he could possibly want

"Some dude out at the entrance asking for you"

"Asking for me?"Jai'lani raised an eyebrow wondering who could possibly be asking for her at work.

"Yeah. Want me to send him away or?"Her co worker asked just incase it was someone who wanted to cause her harm

"Nah"Jai'lani put her  chips and drink down on the table picking her phone up sliding it in her back pocket. She walked out the breakroom and towards the front of the store not believing who was at the door smiling at her.  Reaching him she grabbed his hand dragging him outside the store "What the fuck are you doing here Kash?"She said through gritted teeth

"What? I can't come see you or some?"Kash asked because he thought Jai'lani would be happy to see him

"I thought I made it clear that I didn't want shit to do with you after what you did"Jai'lani raised her voice a bit not trying to yell because she didn't want to make a scene in front of the customers but wanted Kash to know she was serious.

"Bruh you still mad about that shit?"Kash questioned because he thought he gave her plenty of time to get over whatever she was feeling from that night

"Still mad? Nigga you put your hands on me! You fucking choked me and you think I'm not going to be mad? Are fucking serious?"Jai'lani couldn't believe the audacity Kash had asking if she was still mad

"And I'm sorry about that! I ain't mean to do that shit man. Shit just pissed me off"Kash shrugged not knowing what else to say. In his head Jai'lani should've done what he asked and the situation would've been avoided.

"Sorry? Boy you ridiculous. You think some sorry ass apology gonna have me running back to you?"

"What else am I suppose to do?"Kash questioned getting irritated

"Nothing. Leave me alone Kash and I fucking mean it"Jai'lani shook her head getting ready to walk away but Kash grabbed her crashing his lips onto hers having a mini make out session. Jai'lani pushed him off shaking her head "I'm done with you Kash. Don't fucking come around me no more" She walked away heading back inside seeing the security guard walking towards the door. "Hey Steve please don't let that man in here"

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