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Symere Cross Blevins

Chicago IL

January 23rd,2019

Capone it's Jai'lani,I'm calling from Bianca's phone because I don't have mine right now.Just wanted to let you know that I suffered a miscarriage. Our baby is gone.

Symere stood there in the middle of the room feeling his heart break every time he reread the text. He was trying to wrap around the part where Jai'lani was telling him that their child was gone. He just couldn't understand how his baby was no longer here. Everything was good earlier today. So many emotions were running through his body that he didn't know which one to listen to.

"Capone?"Amelia walked over to Symere trying to see what was so important in his phone but Symere locked his phone before she could even try and sneak a peak. "What's wrong?"She noticed a change in his demeanor

"None man"Symere slid his phone in his pocket grabbing his hoodie sliding it on causing Amelia to frown

"Where you going? You just got here"Amelia grabbed his arm sliding her hand towards his chest "We haven't even done nothing yet"She pouted

"And we ain't doing shit"Symere pushed her hand off his chest and snatched his other hand out of her grip "Only reason a nigga even came over was to tell yo ass that what we had is done for"Symere knew that he needed to break things off with Amelia in person because she was the type of person that took break ups over the phone as a joke.

"Done!?"Amelia scoffed crossing her arms across her chest "You know we'll never be done Capone so I don't know why you even playing. You can't leave me alone"She smirked

"You really think you the shit don't you?"Symere laughed "Amelia you ain't shit but a quick fuck to me. After yo ass cheated on a nigga when we was together all my respect for yo ass went out the window along with whatever love I had for you"Symere told her truthfully

"A quick fuck? Nigga fuck you"Amelia pushed Symere not believing what was coming out of his mouth "Why is it so hard for you to admit you love me? We have years of history! That bitch don't know you how I know you"She yelled feeling tears threatening to fall "If that hoe wasn't in the picture you would be in my bed right now"

"I dare yo ass to call Jai'lani out her name one more time Amelia"Symere got closer to her "I fucking dare you"He repeated through gritted teeth but Amelia stayed silent because she knew better than to try Symere "And you right she don't know me like you know me. She knows me better. You thought you was special cause the way I treated you? Then she royalty because she get whatever from me even a baby"Symere smirked knowing that the last line struck a nerve considering he never let Amelia keep any child she claimed she was having by him.

"Get the fuck out my house"Amelia cried feeling her heartbreak with every word that was coming out of Symere's mouth "You are the fucking devil! The fucking devil Capone"She yelled "You know how much shit you put me through? But I stayed through it all! The physical and mental abuse! Treated me like a fucking punching bag but I fucking stayed and let you treat me like a side chick because I fucking love you"

"Nah"Symere shook his head "We already agreed to put that abuse shit in the past don't even try and bring that shit up right now. I apologized for the shit I put you through when we were younger and you accepted my shit and stayed around knowing I was doing my shit"Symere knew he wasn't perfect and had a fucked up past but he was man enough to admit his wrongs and he worked hard to work on himself.

"Get out"Amelia opened the door to her apartment "You're a piece of shit like yo ain't shit daddy"She yelled out causing Symere to smack her out of instinct

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