Twenty Four

960 62 70

Short chapter!

Symere "Cross" Blevins

Chicago Il

October 10th,2018

Pulling up to Kash's house Symere noticed that his aunt's car was parked in his drive way. Parking his car he looked around contemplating on whether or not he should get out and confront Kash now or go home and wait until he's alone. Symere turned his car off taking the keys out of the ignition. Although he wasn't really trying to do this with his aunt here he figured he might as well get it over with.

Symere was getting ready to get out the car when his phone started ringing. Grabbing it from the cup holder he checked to see that it was Trevor. Knowing exactly what he wanted Symere declined the call sliding his phone in his pocket.

Getting out the car he did his regular routine of looking around scoping the scene. Making sure the coast was clear he made his way towards door knocking.

Within seconds the door swung open revealing Symere's aunt with a huge smile on her face. She was happy to see that Symere had stopped by to check on her son. His aunt had no idea about the drama that was going on between the two.

"It's so good to see you Symere"His aunt smiled pulling Symere into a hug kissing his cheek "Come in, Kash"She yelled moving out the way letting Symere in closing the door "He should be in his room"

Nodding Symere walked through the entryway hall heading towards the back where Kash's room was located. Symere didn't know what to expect out of this visit since Kash and him weren't on good terms. As he reached Kash's room Symere was about to knock when he heard noises which caused him to stop and look through the creak of the door.

"I know this nigga not doing what I think he's doing"Symere said to himself shaking his head pushing the door opened "So is this why you've been acting like you lost your fucking mind?"Symere said causing Kash to jump at the sound of his voice dropping everything "And with yo damn OG in the crib?"

"What the fuck you doing here?"Kash asked trying to hide everything but Symere stopped him in his tracks

"Don't hide that shit. You over here snorting some shit up yo nose nigga? How long yo ass been on that white?"Symere honestly didn't know what to say to his cousin at this point. He always figured something was wrong with him but he never expected for Kash to be on drugs especially cocaine since he used to hate even dealing it.

"Don't worry about the fuck I'm doing nigga. Don't come up in here acting like yo ass give a fuck about what I got going on"Kash wiped his face slowly trying to get up from his spot. He couldn't believe that Symere really had the audacity to stop by unannounced

"Nigga you my fucking cousin! Just cause you wanna be a bitch over some dumb shit don't mean a nigga gonna stop caring about yo goofy ass"

"I ain't tryna hear none yo ass gotta say. You can get the fuck out my crib"Kash semi yelled not even trying to hear about why Symere was there in the first place.

"Khamir! Watch you mouth"Kash's yelled making her way into her son's room seeing the two men staring at each other like the wanted to kill one another. "What in the world is going on in here"She looked between the two seeing who was going to start talking first.

"Tell his ass to leave. He ain't got no business in my crib anyways"Kash stood in front of his nightstand trying his best to cover the cocaine up but it was getting difficult due to the fact that he couldn't stand up straight without being in pain.

"Nah I came here for a reason and it sure as hell ain't to make sure you good"Symere laughed crossing his arms leaning against the wall.

"Symere!"His aunt semi yelled not believing the words that came out of his mouth "I don't know what the fuck is going on between the two of you but this ends now! Acting like ya'll ain't family! Lost ya'll damn minds"Kash's mom looked between the two but neither moved a muscle.

Wasn't In The Plan-KV & Ann MarieWhere stories live. Discover now