Forty Seven

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Jai'lani Amour Higgins

Oak Lawn IL

April 22,2022

Jai'lani's heart was trembling and her heart was racing as she walked through Christ Hospital Emergency entrance along side Bianca. Once they received the news the pair wasted no time in getting on the first flight back to Chicago. Luckily their flights landed around the same time giving them the chance to ride to the hospital together.

Making their way towards the waiting area Bianca scanned the room for Carlos' family "There they are"She pointed to the corner where his family was seated accompanied by Quise and Symere.

Jai'lani took a deep breath trying to think of what to say once she approached them. Like what can she say at a time like this? She couldn't assure them that things would be fine because she no idea if they would be.

Once Jai'lani was in ears range she called out for them "Mom,Pops"She could tell that the pair were trying their hardest to hold it together. Carlos was their youngest after all.

Carlos' parents stood up embracing the girls "Mijas"His mother pulled Jai'lani and Bianca into a hug comforting them making all three of them break down

Through everything that Jai'lani had been through in her life she had never lost anybody close to her so this fear was something new to her. What she was feeling right now was something she never wanted to feel again. Just thinking about how Carlos was fighting for his life alone in the room broke Jai'lani's heart.

Pulling away Jai'lani wiped the tears that had fallen "Have you guys heard anything?"She looked between the two "Is he okay?"

Carlos' father gave the girls a sadden look as he shook his head no "All we know is that he's in surgery and it could take hours before we hear anything else"He wish he had better news to tell them

Carlos' mother began crying all over again "The fucking bastards shot my baby 20 times! 20 fucking times and for what? Money?"She asked herself knowing that she would never get the answer

Jai'lani and Bianca shared a look staying quiet because they both knew that it could be about anything. They even believed it could possibly be retaliation. Carlos had been giving the streets of not only Chicago but any city he touched hell since he was 12.

It was honestly a miracle that this was the first time that Carlos had found himself in this predicament

Looking around Jai'lani spotted two empty chairs just a few feet away from where his parents were seated. Grabbing Bianca's hand she lead them over to the chairs taking a seat.

Jai'lani looked over at Symere and Quise wanting to at least see how they were doing but kept deciding against it. She didn't even know if Symere wanted to be anywhere near her.

Bianca stood up looking down at Jai'lani "Let's go see how they doing"She motioned over to Symere and Quise "They need comfort too"She began walking across the waiting area

Sighing Jai'lani got up following Bianca across the waiting room. She could tell the two were hurting. She couldn't imagine the pain they were feeling because Symere,Quise and Carlos have been friends since they were children.

Jai'lani took a deep breath clearing her throat "How are you guys holding up?"She questioned making both of them look up at her. Their eyes were blood shot red letting her know that they were doing their share of crying.

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