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Symere Cross Blevins and Jai'lani Amour Higgins

Chicago IL & Homewood IL

August 26th,2018

It was Sunday morning and Symere sat at the kitchen Island in his parent's house having a conversation with his mother. He had came over for Sunday Breakfast like he did once a month. Aside from holidays and other family gatherings throughout the year this was the only time he stepped foot inside his parents house.

"Have you gone to see your brother?"His mother asked taking a seat next to him.

"Man not this conversation again"Symere smacked his lips knowing exactly where his mother was going with the conversation.

"Boy don't you go smacking your lips at me! And yes this conversation again because clearly it's something I need to have with you every time you come over"

"You know how I feel about the conversation though. We been doing this since Marcus got booked and that was 4 years ago. My mind ain't changing"Symere shrugged not really caring how his mother felt.

He's been  having this conversation with his mother for 4 years now and he wasn't going to change his mind no matter how much she begged him too. He wasn't ready to go see his older brother booked behind them bars. He just couldn't do it and he wishes his mother would understand that and leave him alone about it.

"He's your brother Symere! How are you going to abandon him when he needs you the most?"His mother said raising her voice a little bit. She couldn't understand what was so hard about Symere going to visit his brother.

"How did I abandon him? Just because I don't go visit him? Mom I literally answer all his calls when he calls. Every time I get paid I put money on his books. I'm the one paying his lawyer fees! And Now I'm taking care of his little girl so exactly where did I abandon him?" Symere asked getting mad himself. He literally did everything for his brother but visit him. And Symere didn't really care about what his mother thought because his brother knew how he felt and the reason why he couldn't go and Marcus understood and accepted it

"Don't get loud with me! And I understand you do all that baby but I know your brother wants to see you! He's in there for God knows how long and you're not going to see him for that long?"

"Listen when I'm ready to go see him I will. But right now I'm not"Symere shrugged getting up from his seat "But I gotta go. Thank you for breakfast"He kissed his mother on the cheek then walked out the kitchen walking towards the door opening it and walking out. Since his father and siblings left out he didn't have to worry about saying bye to them.

He unlocked his car hopping in turning the car on. He looked out the window seeing if any cars were coming down the street so he could pull out. Seeing it was clear he pulled out the drive way waving at his mother who was looking out the window then sped down the street.

He hated leaving his parents house after disagreements but he knew he needed to get out of there before it turned into something more than just a disagreement.

After about 45 minutes he pulled into his driveway parking his car turning it off. Sitting back he stared out the windshield letting his mind run wild. He had so many thoughts running through his mind at once that it was slowly driving him crazy. Like was his brother really cool with him not visiting? Or was he just saying that so Symere wouldn't feel bad.

Then doubt started filling his mind. He started thinking about everything that happen that led him to this point. Everything he's been through and all he's experienced at a young age. It was making him start second guessing his decision to become a lawyer. Was he wasting his time going to school when in reality maybe the streets were all there was to him.

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