Forty Five

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Symere Cross Blevins

Tinley Park

October 7th,2019

Symere sat in the waiting room of Amelia's obgyn's office scrolling through his phone paying Amelia no mind. He honestly didn't even know why he agreed to come to any of her appointments because he would rather be anywhere but here.

Amelia looked over at Symere rolling her eyes "Capone are you even paying attention to anything I'm saying?"She tried to reach for his phone but Symere quickly moved his hand

Symere locked his phone siding it into his pocket "Fuck wrong with you? Don't ever reach for my shit"He snapped growing more irritated by the second

Amelia felt her cheeks getting hot out of embarrassment as she looked around the room seeing the other parents staring at them "Well I'm trying to tell you something but you're glued to the fucking phone ignoring everything I'm saying"She rolled her eyes "And you don't have to be rude. Causing everyone to look at us "She whispered to him

Symere looked around the room causing everyone to turn their heads "I don't give a fuck if these folks looking at me bruh. Don't even know why I'm here"He shook his head leaning back in the seat.

Amelia frowned being taken back by Symere's tone "What you mean why Capone? We're having a baby so why wouldn't you be here?"She questioned getting irritated by Symere's actions. She was expecting him to be happy to be a father

Symere laughed "Might be having a baby"He corrected her "And where the other two niggas you fucked at?"He looked around the room seeing if he seen them "Shouldn't they ass be here too?"Symere wasn't feeling the fact that he was always the only one doing everything for Amelia.

Amelia felt her heart drop as she watched everyone looking at them once again. Shaking her head feeling even more embarrassed than before she got up making her way outside. She couldn't believe that Symere would embarrass her like this.

Watching her walk out the building Symere shook his head getting up heading out behind her. He followed her to her truck where she began crying "Fuck wrong with you?"He questioned

Amelia scoffed turning around to face him "What's wrong me Capone? Nigga you fucking embarrassed me in there in front of all them people! Straight disrespecting me"She cried out now causing a scene for all the people in the parking lot.

Symere frowned confused as to how he embarrassed her "How the fuck is asking a question embarrassing you Amelia? Huh?"

Amelia couldn't believe that Symere couldn't see nothing wrong with his actions "Look at the fucking question you asked Capone! Loud enough for everyone in there to fucking hear!"She put her hands up

Symere chuckled not believing this shit "I asked a valid ass question"He shrugged "If you think it's embarrassing then maybe you should've kept yo fucking legs closed. Fuck you gonna get mad at me for asking a damn question"

Amelia wiped the tears that were falling "Bet you wouldn't be asking Jai'lani these fucking questions though. Wouldn't be treating her the way you treating me"

"Why the fuck is yo ass always worried about Jai'lani? Huh Everything we do you have to bring her up"Symere wanted to know what was Amelia issue with Jai'lani because no matter what she always brought her up "But you right I wouldn't cause I know Jai'lani ain't like that. And I actually want Jai'lani to have all my children"He shrugged being honest pissing Amelia off more than she already was.

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