Forty Eight

684 34 65


Jai'lani Amour Higgins 

Oaklawn IL

April 22nd,2022

Jai'lani sat impatiently in her seat staring out the hospital window. They still hadn't heard any news on Carlos and her mind was spinning out of control. It seem like no matter what she did there was nothing that she could do to calm down. The later it got the more her anxiety started going crazy. Her chest felt heavy and her body felt weak. She was exhausted but was scared to go to sleep in fear of missing out on any news. 

Just like Jai'lani everyone else in the waiting room was also trying their best to remain calm. They all wanted to spazz out and yell at the top of their longs but knew it wasn't the place for it. 

Sighing Jai'lani closed her eyes feeling a tear slip from one. Quickly wiping it away she opened her eyes taking a deep breath. She was tired of crying and tried of this pain she felt inside

Symere glanced over at Jai'lani who was now seated next to him leaning the back of her head on his shoulder. He wanted to ask if she was good but knew the answer to it so he refrained. He extended his arm wrapping it around her bringing her closer to him. 

Feeling the warmth of his body Jai'lani cuddle up into Symere as she continued to stare out the window. 

Symere leaned in "I know you're tired Jai. Get some sleep! I'll wake you up if we hear any news"He assured her

Nodding her head Jai'lani got comfortable in Symere's arms slowly closing her eyes letting her body drift off to a much needed sleep.

Jai'lani had woken up noticing that the waiting area was now pitch black. Scaring her she jumped up from her seat noticing  that nobody else was in here with her. Looking around she no longer seen Symere,Bianca or Quise. 

Slowly she walked a few steps "Bianca? Quise? Symere?"She called out seeing if anybody would answer but nothing. "Bianca! Where are you?"She yelled out walking by the receptionist's area seeing that nobody was there either "What the fuck?"She ran out of the waiting area heading towards the hospital entrance. 

The doors did not open causing Jai'lani to look around seeing if there was a button somewhere on the wall. Not finding one she tried to pry the doors open with her hands but they didn't budge. "Fuck"Jai'lani hit the glass doors. 

Stepping back she ran up a bit trying to kick the door down but nothing. "How the fuck can I get out of here?"She ran back to the waiting room seeing if she could find something that would help her break the glass. 

Grabbing a chair Jai'lani lifted it up a bit when the double doors opened and the lights began to flicker. Dropping the chair she began to slowly walk towards the doors hoping that they wouldn't close before she got to them. 

Walking through the double doors she felt chills run through her body as the doors closed shut behind her causing her to jump turning around "No no"She yelled running over trying to push the doors open but had no such luck "Someone help"she screamed hitting the door repeatedly 

"Jai'lani"She heard Carlos' voice yell for her causing her to stop screaming and pay attention "Jai'lani help"She heard again 

"Los"She yelled running down the row of rooms not seeing anything "Carlos where are you"She yelled again but heard nothing 

She kept running until someone came out from one of the rooms standing in front of her freaking her out "Devion?"She questioned and the person smirked 

Wasn't In The Plan-KV & Ann MarieWhere stories live. Discover now