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Carlos 'Los' Ramirez

Oaklawn IL

April 28th,2022

It had been a few days since everything happened and Carlos had finally been released from the hospital and was back in his own apartment that he shared with Alaia.

Carlos watched as Alaia walked around their room cleaning up not saying a word to him. He had noticed that she had been sort of cold since the hospital but he couldn't figure out why. "Alaia"He called out to her

Stopping what she was doing Alaia turned her attention towards Carlos "You okay?"She questioned

Carlos nodded his head easing her nerves "Yeah I'm cool but why you so distant with?"He wanted to know what was wrong with her

"I'm not being distant. Just getting things done"Alaia shrugged waving him off "I'm going to get lunch started"She told him walking out the room

Carlos frowned "What's wrong with her?"He said to himself as he slowly got off the bed ignoring the pain he was feeling.

Carlos made his way out of their room and down the hall into the kitchen "What's wrong with you and don't say nothing either"

Alaia put the tray of chicken down walking over to Carlos "You're suppose to be in bed Carlos! Why are you up walking around" She tried to help him back to the room but Carlos stopped her

"Don't worry about me Alaia. I wanna know what's wrong with you? You can tell me you fine a million times but I know you're not so wassup?" Carlos knew that something was bothering her and he didn't like the fact that she wasn't trying to talk to him about it "Come on we promised to let each other know when one of us fucks up so tell me what I do?"

Alaia looked down at the floor feeling tears begin to fall. The truth was that she was traumatized and all she could think about was Carlos actually dying.

Noticing that Alaia was crying Carlos pulled her into a hug kissing the top of her head "What's wrong baby? Talk to me"

Alaia wrapped her arms around Carlos gently making sure not to hurt him "You almost fucking died on me Carlos. You almost left me! Do you know how fucking scared I was seeing you almost flatline like that?"

While in the hospital Carlos' body reacted badly to the surgery causing him to almost flatline which scared Alaia. Watching the doctors rushing to try and save the love of her life's life was something she wouldn't wish on her worst enemy.

It was a memory that replayed in her head constantly.

Carlos' heart broke hearing about how everything that happened was taking a toll on Alaia "I'm so sorry you had to go through that man but don't think about that no more! I'm right here bae"He pulled away grabbing her chin turning it up towards him " I never wanted you to go through this shit which is why I left that street shit alone"

"I know you did you Los that's why I'm not mad at you"Alaia knew that when she got with Carlos there was always a chance that something like this would happen but knowing and experiencing it is completely different "I'm just still scared that something is going to happen"

Carlos could see the fear in Alaia's eyes which made himself even more mad that he let them catch him slipping the way they did "I know you're scared and I hate that and to make shit worst is that I can't completely promise you that shit is all good but what I can promise you is that I'm going to be more careful"

Alaia hated that Carlos couldn't promise her that it'll never happen again but appreciated the fact that he didn't lie to her "I want to move Carlos. I don't want to live in Chicago anymore. Shit I don't even wanna live in Illinois anymore. We can't risk going through this again! We need you alive" She knew that the best way to prevent this from happening again was getting out of this state.

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