Twenty Five

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Symere Cross Blevins

Chicago IL

October 14th,2018

Symere sighed putting the pencil down cracking his knuckles. Staring at his half finished paper he shook his head picking the pencil back up taking a glance at the clock on his stove.

"Damn 2 already?"Symere couldn't believe how fast the day was going.He was trying to finish as much of his work as he could because he didn't want to worry about it while he was with Jai'lani this weekend. "Ight just three more pages and I'm done"

An hour later Symere was finally done with his work. He began gathering his things when he heard his front door open. Grabbing his glock off the table he took it off safety getting up from the chair. Slowly making his way out the kitchen he seen a dark figure coming from around the corner. Hopping out he put his gun up only to be met with Quise

"Nigga you can't be doing this dumb ass shit"Symere shook his head putting it back on safety walking back into his kitchen

"What robber is gonna come through yo front door nigga?"Quise questioned following behind him into the kitchen "You was studying?"He took a seat looking at all the books and papers scattered around Symere's table

"Was doing the work we were assigned yesterday"Symere placed his books inside his bag before gathering his papers tapping them against the table until they were all neat before putting them away as well

"Aw shit we did have work"Quise was so busy trying to get his money right that he had totally forgotten that he had homework he had to do "Ima try and do that shit tonight"

"Yo ass better. Wasting all that damn money and not taking shit serious"Symere zipped his bookbag up placing it on the floor taking a seat "What yo ass here for anyways?"

"Came to see what yo ass had planned for tonight. Wanted to see if you wanted to go to a kickback up North"

"Nah I'm spending the night with Jai'lani for her birthday"Symere pulled out his phone sending Jai'lani a quick text making sure they were still on for tonight.

"Thought they was throwing a big ass party for her at some club down town"Quise could've sworn that Carlos had told him about it a few days back but out of respect for Symere he decided to bail

"They were but some shit happen so they cancelled it. So I figured I would do some with her this weekend"Symere shrugged looking at his best friend who was smirking "What?"

"Nigga ya'll official? Cause ya'll sure as hell be spending hella time together. Even have her ass in yo crib cooking for you and shit. Letting her spend the night multiple days in a row. Let me find out you holding out on me"

"Now yo goofy ass know I don't do relationships. We just vibing and enjoying each other's presence. I actually fuck with her vibe"Symere was feeling Jai'lani but he wasn't about to make nothing official because he knew that he wasn't ready to fully commit to one girl so he wasn't even going to play with Jai'lani like that.

"So in other words yo ass still fucking Amelia and what them other hoes names? Toya, Candice, Keira oh and Eliza"

"We ain't official so fuck I gotta stop fucking with them for?"Symere raised his eyebrow. He didn't think he needed to  cut them off since him and Jai'lani weren't exclusive

"So that's why Jai'lani still messing with ol boy from the club"

"What nigga from what club?" Symere frowned because he didn't even know that Jai'lani was messing with other dudes still

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