denki kaminari

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࿐ if you picked

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if you picked...

Denki Kaminari


"(Y/N), I've gotta tell you something." Denki says, his hand rests on your shoulder and you turn to him.

You nodded, "What up dude?"

He began to get flustered. His whole entire face was red and he violently shook.

"C-Come outside..." He mumbles, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you outside with him.

"Okay- chill Kami, what's up?" You ask, the two of you far enough from the building.

"Heh, w-well, there's something I've gotta tell ya.." He scratches his neck nervously.

You usher him on, "And that is...?"

His teeth clatter and he begins to sweat, "W-Well, uh- you see- I just wanted to say that I- Um...WELL!"

You sighed, resting your hand on his shoulder. You moved closer to him and stared into his eyes, "Yes? Just tell me!"

You knew something was up when he got like this. You knew the boy long enough to realize this and you began to grow worried.

This made the boy even more nervous, "I just...wanted to say this for a really long time, I guess?"

He sighs when he realizes you were growing frustrated, "This whole year has been crazy, (Y/N). And this whole time you've always been there for me. Always making me laugh and just being nice to me in general..I guess, that's why I have a crush on you."

You didn't really expect this in all honesty. Sure, he'd always 'fake' flirt with you but you assumed he was just messing around. You and Kaminari together? That would be the most chaotic couple ever.

You glanced down at him, you could feel the nervousness oozing out of him and it made you surprised. You had no idea why he'd even want you this badly, but it made you feel good inside.

He bows, "Please be my girlfriend!" He shuts his eyes and balls in fists tightly. You blink in surprise before giggling, "You're so sweet, Kami."

He stands straight, his eyes glow in the moonlight and you feel yourself falling deeper. You inch closer to him and grab him by the jacket, pulling him into you. Smashing your lips onto his, the two of you begin to kiss.

Denki's eyes are wide in shock, you pull away and his mouth is opened in shock, "Y-You k-k-kissed-"

He exploded.

You quickly jump back, electricity spills out of him and as he blushes in embarrassment. The electricity dies down and he begins to go stupid.

"Wheyyy.." He proceeds to give thumbs up, making you sigh. "Let's go now, babe.." You giggle quietly to yourself, pulling him along with you back to the dorms.


"Me too, Denki. Me too." You smile lovingly, opening the door for him helping him to his room. "You're such a dork."


gotta love denki. hope u guys liked this!

love u all

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