too late

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chapter 74 | too late

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chapter 74 | too late


"Hey guys! We're back from work study. What's goin on here?" You walk through the door with the other interns. You make your way over to Jirou and lean on her.

"We decided to do a concert type of thing. Where we perform to whole school!" Mina excitedly states.

You freeze in place, "...What?" Your eyes widen. "We have to perform for the rest of the shitty school? Oh no ma'am...."

Ochako chuckles nervously, "I don't think it'll be too bad, (Y/N)..."

"I understand Jirou on bass and Yaoyorozu on keyboards..." Kirishima crosses his arms.

"Bakugou on drums is kind do I put it...?" Ochako thinks for a second, "Unexpected!" Hagakure shouts.

"You got a problem with that?!"

You hum, 'Bakugou can play the drums? Wait, so what will I do in the performance?'  You slowly step to Todoroki. "Can you play any instruments?" You ask, leaning onto him.

"No." He replies. "You don't have to go on stage if you don't want to, (Y/N). Your quirk is...pretty. You can join me and we can do 'Special effects'. He offers, making you blush. "Thanks, Todo.."

While deciding on who should sing, a couple of the boys had tried but were completely terrible.

But, when Jirou sang, it felt like heaven was opening up and all of your sicknesses were leaving your body.

"You have an amazing voice, Jirou!" You compliment. She happily- but with embarrassment thanks you and the others, accepting to sing during the performance.

Eventually, everyone's positions were decided. You were on the effects team with Todoroki and a few other boys, and you felt a bit more relieved. You were a bit nervous to be in front of everyone performing, worried if anyone were to make fun of you.

But, your big ass mouth did help you become friends with a lot of other kids in different classes and grade levels- it still made you nervous thinking about being on stage.

"I'm glad I can work with you boys." You turn to your team and they nod. "This is gonna be so epic, working with my bros!" Kirishima plops his arm over your and Sero's shoulders.

"Alright, we've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow! Rest up everyone!" Iida rushes you and a few other trouble markers off to bed, reminding you to brush your teeth.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Izuku calls out to you. You whipped around to face the boy. "Sup bestie?" You and him walk up the stairs, "Could we maybe talk?" He asks awkwardly.

You nod, "Let's go to your room, it's closer than mine."

Bakugou walks from behind the two of you, glaring daggers into Izuku's neck. The two of you notice this, grabbing onto Izuku's rough hand you begin to walk faster and make it into his room.

Closing the door, you throw yourself onto his bed and make yourself comfortable. "What's wrong?"

Izuku twiddles with his fingers nervously, "A-Ah well, I'm not trying to get in your private life but, I've noticed you and Bakugou have been distance lately? I wanted to make sure you two were okay..."

You groan into your hands, "No, something really weird happened a couple of nights ago.."

Izuku takes a seat next to you, "If you want, we can talk about it?"

You nod, "So like- basically when I walked back up to my room the day we came back from that big ass fight- he was all like, 'I was worried' blah blah blah - I hugged him, and like- when I tried to pull away he grabbed me and kissed me on the lips for like five seconds?" You scratch your arms in embarrassment, stomping onto the floor lightly.

"I didn't kiss back because I wasn't sure? He walked off after and said nothing..we haven't talked since." You finish. You look over at Izuku and your eyes widen at his face.

'His eyes looks like they're dead. He looks crazy...'

You lightly shove him on the shoulder, "You okay...?"

He coughs and shakes his head, snapping back to his senses. "O-Oh yeah, I'm okay. And uh, that's really awkward..maybe you should just leave him alone for awhile until he decides to come to you?" He suggests nervously.

You nod, "Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fine? Anyways I should leave now. See you tomorrow." You give him a hug before walking out of the room, off to brush your teeth.

When you shut the door, Izuku clenches his fists in jealousy. 'He KISSED her?!' He nervously sits back down on the bed. 'Do I even have a chance at this point?!'

"What should I do..?"


thank you for this cute fan art !! love you so much! savagemushroom21

thank you for this cute fan art !! love you so much! savagemushroom21

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