it's love!

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chapter 53 | it's love!

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chapter 53 | it's love!


You had successfully managed to get your water body to last up to 30 seconds, higher than what All Might's goal was for you. Being extremely proud of yourself for actually putting in effort, you began to feel a sudden wave of happiness.

All Might watched as you tried a different move, 'Water Slicer'. It wasn't really perfected yet, seeing as it didn't even slice the rock into two. You tried some of it on Kirishima, and he was left unfazed besides behind pushed back from the impact.

"Awesome, (Y/N)!"

Suddenly the door slammed open and Class B walked in. You began to talk with some of your friends from that class and stopped when Aizawa called for everyone's attention.

"There are very few first years in the country trying to get their provisional licenses. The test will have those who have trained longer than you have."

He talked for more, where you decided to zone out and go over to Jiro.


"We're working so hard everyday.." Mina wailed out, throwing herself on the couch dramatically.

"It's not called intensive training for nothing, huh?" Hagakure added. You looked over at her flying clothes and nodded, chewing on some chocolate that Momo gifted to you. Momo watched you chew on the chocolate, her cheeks heating up as she remembered how she gave them to you.

"Even so, there's still less than a week left before the provisional license exam." Momo added, which you nodded to. Shoving another chocolate in your mouth, you rested your back against Momo's legs where you sat on the floor.

She began to braid your hair, Jirou, Tsuyu and Ochako looked over with jealousy. 'Why does Momo get (Y/N) all to herself? Especially with that cheap chocolate trick." Jirou crosses her arms before wrapping her finger around her earbuds.

"How's your ultimate move coming along, Yao-Momo?" Hagakure asks

"There's something I wanna do, but my body can't keep up yet. So, I need to develop my quirk a little more first."

"How about you, Tsu?"

"I've perfected a move even more frog like than before. I'm sure even you'll be surprised, Toru." Froppy takes a sip of her drink.

"How about you, (Y/N)?" You guess that your invisible friend is smiling.

"Hmm...I mean, I guess it's okay? I've been trying to improve a bunch of moves and I think it's coming together alright. I was thinking of learning how to use water wings. I can make wings, I just have to learn how to fly them properly..."

Suddenly you jolted up, "I gotta piss."

"(Y/N), please try and use a term that isn't so...Bakugou like."

"Sorry babe." You say before waltzing out of the room, having to go take care of your business.

The room goes silent, Momo blushes while some of the other girls angry. Mina and Toru awkwardly look at each other before Toru asks Ochako the same question, who suddenly zoned out.

Tsuyu taps her, making the girl jump in surprise. "HUH?!"

"You seem tired."

"N-No, I'm not tired at all! I'm just getting started!" Everyone blinks in surprise.

"At least, that's how it's supposed to be. Recently, my hearts been feeling all stirred up.."

"It's love!" Mina shouts excitedly.

Ochako explodes, then begins to panic. "Wh...What? Glove? Shove? Dove?" She throws her arms around the place. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Is it Midoryia or Iida? You're always with them!" Mina yells.


Mina pauses for a second, "It's definitely (Y/N), isn't it?!"

Ochako doesn't reply, instead she grabs her face and causes herself to float. "She's floating.." Mina mumbles.

Toru and Mina poke fun at the poor girl. "That's not it, really! I don't know much about this stuff anyways!"

"It's not good to force an investigation, you know." Tsu quickly interjects.

"That's right." Jirou adds.

"Yes, and we also have to get up early tomorrow. So, we should turn in now, immediately." Momo stands up, wanting the discussion to end.

"What? No way, I wanna hear more!" Mina cries out like a child.

Ochako floats over to the window, looking out she sees that you're with Midoriya. She can hear you shouting through the closed window and she watches and you jump around the poor boy, wanting to help him with his training. She's jealous at first, but her focus goes onto your smiling face and silly actions. It's almost like sparkles are floating around the girl as she watches you, letting out a dreamy sigh.


love love love this fanart ahhh!! bobaguk go and check out their account ! they baby 🥺💗

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love love love this fanart ahhh!! bobaguk go and check out their account ! they baby 🥺💗

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