apart of the secret

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chapter 59 | apart of the secret

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chapter 59 | apart of the secret


When you ran to the scene, you could hear Bakugou shouting at Izuku. "Why did I end up having to chase after the back of someone who was always behind me? Why did a damn small fry like you get so strong...and become acknowledged by All Might...? Why is it that you became strong..How is it that your weak ass is closer to the girl who's supposed to be closer to me?!"

You tried to run over to them, but was held back. "Hey-"

You looked up and saw All Might. "Just let them at it for a bit."

You nodded, and stood with him. Watching as the two boys threw punches, kicks and just violently attacking each other scared you.

You were worried for your friends but this was probably for the best. Maybe this is what they needed.

But what did Bakugou mean by, 'How is it that your weak ass is closer to the girl who's supposed to be closer to me?'.

'Who could they even be talking about..? Ochako? No. Probably not. Tsuyu? Yeah, no.' As you tried to think, your eyes slightly widened. 'Me..?'

You tried to remove the thought from your head but it wouldn't go away. You tried to pay attention to the two fighting but you kept getting flashbacks.

'Is it really me? I mean, Bakugou let's me near him and doesn't really yell at me, sometimes. I always flirt with the two of them to be funny and they seem to get flustered when I do it. Or that one time I caught Izuku staring at me during class. Uhh, what about the time he, Ochako and Iida were at my house? They said something about Not being fair and wanting the same thing. The way Iida got flustered when I grabbed him- when Ochako got upset when she couldn't sit with me-'

You didn't realize that All Might had began to hug Bakugou.

'How am I just realizing this now?? So do they like me? Is that a possibility...? We aren't living in a fanfic, I should stop acting so full of myself..'

You shook your head and ran over to the three men. Izuku and Bakugou's eyes widened when they saw you approach.

You stood next to All Might, looking at the two boys sitting down. Bakugou held his face in his arms and Izuku tried his best not to make eye contact with you.

"Oya Oya?" You lightly smiled, even though they didn't notice.

"Who knows about you and Deku?" Bakugou spoke.

"Recovery girl and the principal. Of the students, it's you and Young (Y/N). She found out the day that Midoryia nearly exposed the secret." All Might says, causing Bakugou to quickly look up at you.

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