hole in the wall...literally

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chapter 50 | hole in the wall

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chapter 50 | hole in the wall...literally


[ this is gonna be a small little chapter where the reader interacts more with some characters. i'm going to be posting another chapter real soon! probably a day after posting this one ahha]

You sighed heavily as you stepped out of the police station. It was the third time this week that you'd went there and today you were finally able to leave your house and go anywhere that wasn't the police station.

You had agreed to hang out with Izuku, Ochako and Iida at your house. Your mom thought it was safer this way instead of going to someone else's place.

You and your mom pulled up to the drive way and you went inside. You went to the living room and saw 'the three musketeers' sitting on your sofa.

"Hey." You waved, sliding your jacket off.

They looked over and jumped out of their seat. "(Y/N)!" They cheered in unison.

They each gave you a hug and you blushed.

"Your older brother let us in, in case you were wondering." Iida chops his hands and you nod.

"Alrighty! (Y/N) can we play mario kart?!" Ochako begged, and you smiled. "Yes."

'Anything for that face, jeez.'


"NOO!!!" You tossed the controller to the side of the room, hitting a wall. You didn't realize that you had actually made a hole in the wall until Iida pointed it out.

"Fuck, it was an accident!" You screeched. Standing up, you rushed to the hole and so did your friends. "Oh my god what do I do my mom is gonna-"

"Hey kids! I made snacks!" Your mom walks into the living room and sets them on a table. "What are you doing?"

The four of your quickly covered the wall, but before Iida could snitch you snapped his mouth shut.

Uraraka jumped in to save the day. "We're making a Tik Tok!"

Your mom, already aware of what that was (thanks to you), nodded. "Fun! You're doing the Renegade?"

Izuku nodded, which made your mom laugh. "Haha, I'm a cool mom!" Your mother says, while doing one of the steps in the dance. Iida isn't sure what to say, seeing as he doesn't even know what a renegade is.

"Mom!" You whined, which made her giggle and leave the room.

"IIDA WHAT DO WE DO?!" You began to violently shake his shoulders, causing his glasses to do that white shining anime thing. You also noticed the way his cheeks began to turn red, so you decided to let him go before you also turned pink.

Izuku and Ochako glared at Iida, but in their 'baby' way. Iida awkwardly coughed and began to yell.

"We?! You broke your own wall!" He chopped his fingers which made you groan. You ran upstairs and rummaged through your drawers, pulling out a folder with one of your recent school photos.

You grabbed a random frame from your room and ran back down the stairs. You slowly began to stop when you heard your friends whisper. "Come on Iida! Not fair!" Ochako whined. Izuku didn't really know what to say, not wanting to fight on this topic again.

You hid behind a wall and tried to listen. "It's not my fault! And not fair? We all want the same thing so-"

Your dumbass just HAD to sneeze, huh?

You quickly came out from behind the wall to see paled faced babies. "Yo. I found the solution."

Izuku coughed, "Did you hear anything?" You shook your head no, "Um, did my mom come in and you guys snitch on me? If you did I won't be mad I jus-"

"N-No! All good! No snitches here!" Izuku awkwardly laughed, causing Iida and Ochako to slap their own foreheads.

You nodded and placed the frame on the wall, covering it up. "All good!" You smiled.

You began to sit on the couch and you watched as the other three tried to sit next to you. In the end Ochako lost but you were really sure what to say.

'Maybe their super clingy cause of what happened with the villain attack? Yeah. That's the only logical reason.' You thought while sipping a carton of apple juice.

The next few hours you and your friends played more games and watched a movie. When it was time to go home you gave each one of them a hug and walked them to the door. "Bye guys!" You smiled, slowly shutting your door.


awesome fan art! thank you it's all so cute! savagemushroom21

awesome fan art! thank you it's all so cute! savagemushroom21

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