momo yaoyorozu

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࿐ if you picked

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if you picked...

Momo Yaoyorozu


"(Y/N), I've gotta tell you something." Momo shyly spoke, holding onto you gently.

You nod, "Of course, anything for you my queen."

She blushes, her heart already beating faster. "C-Could we go outside, please?"

You nod, "Sure we can."

As the two of you open the door and shut it behind, a gust of wind harshly attacks the both of you and the both of you shiver.

You and Momo take a seat on the staircase and you wait for her to speak.

"I'm sorry for calling you out this late, (Y/N). I just felt like I needed to talk to you now." Momo sent you an apologetic smile.

You smiled back reassuringly, "That's all good, Miss Momo." You reach into your pocket and pull out a tiny packet of Skittles.

"Here, I know you like the red ones." You extend your palm out to her, all of the red ones on display for her.

"H-How'd you know that..?" She asks. You chuckle nervously, "Uh, I kinda noticed during lunch time you'd have a little baggy with the red ones. You can have them all."

Her cheeks darken, "N-No, you don't have to give me all of them!"

You shake your head, "It's cool, don't worry about it."

She unsurely reaches out and grabs the little amount of skittles sitting on your palm and holds them in her own. She hugs her legs closer to her and her cheeks are puffed in embarrassment. "T-Thank you, (Y/N).."

"Don't mention it!" You say before shoving a handful of the Skittles down your throat forcefully.

"Careful so you don't choke. You shouldn't eat a handful all in one go, silly." Yaoyorozu giggles at your puffed out cheeks. "You kinda look like a chipmunk."

You managed to swallow the candy, wincing at how forceful it was to do. "Sorry, I just like candy." You bashfully reply.

"Me too." She giggles, taking one of the skittles and eating it.

"Oh right! So why'd you call me out here for?" You suddenly remembered. Momo perks up anxiously, "O-Oh yes! I'm sorry, I forgot that's why I called you out here for."

You tilt your head and scoot closer to her, "Hey, you okay?"

She repeatedly nods her head yes, you grab onto her cheeks to stop her from nodding. "I don't think it's good if you nod your head so much, babe."

You hold her face in your palms, her cheeks are burning red, and you catch notice of that.

You softly caress your thumb over her cheek and she gulps nervously. It felt like there were millions of butterflies in Momo's chest, waiting to just burst.

"I wanted to tell you something important!" She determinedly blurts out. You nod, "Go on.."

"I-I know this might come to a shock, but I have romantic feelings for you! I-I like it when you do your silly little things in class or make those jokes that I don't understand. I like when you fall asleep in class so I can be the one to help you catch up on your work. I like when you come over and it's just me and you alone, studying. I like when you call me 'babe' or 'your queen', i-it all makes me so happy..! Please, be my girlfriend?" Momo shouts.

You take a lean back, a dorky smile tries to make its way onto your face but you suppress it back, "Of course, babe. I'll definitely be your g-girlfriend." You tried to sound cool, you mentally slapped yourself for the stuttering.

"R-Really?! T-Thank you so much..!"

You giggle, leaning over you plant a kiss on her nose. "Let's go inside now, I don't want you getting sick, babe."

The two of you stand, you and her intertwine your arms as you walk back into the dorm.

"Now I get to brag that I have a hot girlfriend..!"



i wish i could date her inrl. pain 💔

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