enter: sports festival

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chapter 14 | enter: sports festival

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chapter 14 | enter: sports festival


You stand up as you finish putting your sport shoes on. You let out a shaky breath as you and your brother open the front door and close it behind you.

You hop in the back seat of the car, pulling out of your driveway. You drive for about half an hour before pulling up around a giant stadium. You and your family get out of the car and walk inside. You turn to them as you give a shaky smile.

"Well, wish me luck I guess." You awkwardly say.

Your mother gives you a bear hug with an additional kiss to the cheek. Your brother simply ruffles your hair, a smirk present on his face.

"You'll see us in the crowd, honey. Remember to try your best and not to worry too much. Me and your brother with always be proud of you." Your mother says before giving you another quick hug.

"Do your best, kid." Gray says. You lunge in to wrap your arms around your brother. He awkwardly stuffs up, slowly wrapping his arms around you. You pull away and walk off. Giving a small wave you run to the girls change room.


After putting on your P.E uniform, you walk to the room where the rest of your classmates are in. "Hey everyone." You wave to them, most of them wave back.

You take a seat next to the girls in your class, making small conversation. When Jirou greeted you, you couldn't help but feel a bit fuzzy. 'Calm down, (Y/N)!'

Suddenly, Todoroki speaks up. You snap your head to look at him and see him right across from Izuku.

"Looking at things objectively, I think I'm stronger thank you."

Izuku puts his head down, clenching his fists. You begin to get angry, sure Todoroki was strong- but he needs to stop thinking he owns the whole damn place.

"But..." He pauses, "All Might has his eyes on you, doesn't he?"

After he says this your eyes widen, 'shoot-'

"Todoroki, I don't think that-" Izuku gets cutoff.

"I'm not trying to pry on that, but I'm going to beat you." He pauses before looking over at you. "And you, (L/N)."

This causes a few people to look over at you. "What?" You ask. "You're hiding something. You're pretty weak, I'm going to beat you quickly." He says.

You spring up, causing your chair to fall to the ground. "What the fuck are you even talking about you damn half and half bastard-" You growl getting into his face. Damn, this is what you get for hanging with Bakugou.

"Saying to me is one thing, but talking like that to Izuku- I wont let you." You growl. Kirishima walks over cautiously, trying to break you two apart. "Let's not start a fight before the games!"

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