for the love of a daughter

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chapter 41 | for the love of a daughter

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chapter 41 | for the love of a daughter


The origin of (F/N) (L/N)

"Mommy, Mommy, look!" The four year old girl runs up to her mother who was preparing dinner. The mother turned from the cutting board and looked down at her daughter.

She smiles warmly, causing her daughter's smile to get wider. "What is it, (Y/N), my fluffy kitty."

The nickname irritates the girl, "Mommy! I wanna be a pretty mermaid!" She jumps up, making her mom nod and giving her a quick apology. "Right, my pretty mermaid, what is it you wanted to show me." She crouches down to (Y/N)'s height.

(Y/N) hands her a sheet of paper, her mother looks at it before giggling. The picture was a family portrait, consisting of herself, (Y/N), Gray, her uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma, kitten and her father. "We should hang it on the refrigerator, it's beautiful!"

This makes (Y/N) nod rapidly, she watches as her mom hangs the paper with a magnet that has the Pro hero, Iron man on it.

"Go get your father and brother, dinner is ready!" Sakura, (Y/N)'s mother says. She sets the table as her child runs out the room, she listens to the sound of (Y/N)'s Hello Kitty slippers scraping against the kitchen tiles. (Peep (Y/N)'s hello kitty umbrella in older chapters lol)

The family sit down for dinner and begin to chat up a storm. "How was work, dad?" Gray asks while shoving more food in his mouth.

Haru takes a sip of water before answering, "Good! We had lots of people come for meetings." Gray nods his head before taking his plate to the sink and sets it in.

(Y/N) does the same, struggling a bit more until her brother comes and helps. "Dad! Can we have the cookies now?" Gray asks. "Yea-" Haru stops when he hears his wife cough, he looks at her raised eyebrow which makes him panic. 

"Ahaha...ask your mom!" He laughed nervously, not wanting to get another lecture from her. "Yes you can, but don't eat all of them!"

"We promise!"


The next day, the thunder roared outside as the family huddled together on the couch. "Mommy...I'm scared of the thunder.." (Y/N) quivered as her older brother laughed, "Haha! What a baby, I'm not scared-"

A big clash of thunder was all it look to knock the power out, and Gray to come snuggle closer to his mom. "You were saying, genius?" Four year old (Y/N) sassed.

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