it's time to go home

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chapter 47 | it's time to go home

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chapter 47 | it's time to go home


More portals began to open, and before you could move you were consumed by one.

"(Y/N)!" All Might tried to grab you but it was already too late.

[ Cue All Might screaming ] "NOOO!"

"Endeavor, help us!" Kamui Woods shouts. From down below, the soldiers are trying to fight off the Nomus to the best of their ability.

"Toshinori, what now?" Gran Torino asks. "They shouldn't be able to warp Nomu here. And this backup came too fast." All Might begins to sweat, stressed out.

Suddenly all the villains began to get warped. "Stop them, before they disappear!" Torino shouts.

The heroes run over to them. "Damn it! You won't escape Shigaraki!" All Might growls.

It was too late, the villains had begun to disappear. Kamui Woods eyes widen as he realizes his wood didn't catch any villain, "No, I'm so sorry!"

"This wasn't your fault." Edgeshot says while dodging a Nomu. "None of us were able to do anything."


On the other side, Midoryia, Todoroki, Iida, Kirishima, Bakugou and Momo shake as they hide behind the wall. Too scared to move a muscle they try to keep quiet and stand still.

"Damn it, just let me go! Why can't you guys just leave me alone for once?"

Midoryia's eyes widen as he realizes that you're here. In front of the monster. The others soon realize that you're here and they begin to get even more worried.

You cough, trying to get whatever that black stuff was out of your mouth."

"My apologies, (Y/N)."

You glare at him but look around once you see the villains start to fall onto the ground. They gag and begin to complain about how gross All of One's warping was.

"Master.." Tomura gets on his knees.

All of One walks closer to him, " failed once again, Tomura. But you must not be discouraged. You'll try again, that's why I brought your associates back with you. Even Krakens daughter. Because you say she's an important piece on your game board. Though, it doesn't look like the other (L/N) is here.."

All for One extends his hand to Tomura. "Start over as many times as it takes. I am here to provide you with help. All of this, is for you."

Nobody says anything. The quietness makes you sweat nervously. 'And here I thought All Might saved me.."

"Ah..there you are." All for One says. You furrow your eyebrows, "What is this creep talking about?"

You slap your hand over your mouth once you realize you said that out loud. "I mean-"

You look up and see All Might flying down, straight to All for One. All Might punches him, but it gets blocked. "I'll have you return my student, All for One."

"Have you come to kill me a second time, All Might?"


The punch causes everyone to fly away. "Oh shit!" You watch as All Might and All for One talk. "I won't repeat the mistake I made five years ago, you hear me? I will take young (Y/N) back home and I will make sure you're locked up for the rest of your sad life. Right with your pathetic League of Villains!" All Might goes in for a punch, but All for One blocks it again.

It sends the pro hero flying back, causing buildings to fall over. "All Might?!" Your eyes widen. "Don't worry, it'll take much more to kill him. Tomura, get off the battlefield and take the girl with you."

The pro villain forces Kurogiri to open a portal, commanding the other villains to leave. All for One goes back to his battle while the villains get read to head into the portal.

The villains stare at you and you glare back. "Huh." You cross your arms, "Y'all suck, I ain't even do shit to y'all."

"Young (Y/N), don't!" All Might tries to stop you but he gets grabbed before he can.

"These hands are rated E. E for EVERYONE." You shout, running over to Twice and punching him in the face.

Izuku and the others watch from afar, not sure what to do. You on the other hand begin to fight with the villains, trying to not use much of your quirk unless needed. 'Six against one..I'm not going to make it this time.'

"I'm coming for you!" All Might tries to reach you, but is stopped again. "I don't think so, cause I am here." All for One says, throwing All Might into another building.

"This shit is whack!!" You nervously laugh, dodging another punch from a villain.

"Iida, listen!" Midoryia whisper shouts. "You can't fight!" He whispers back.

"No, listen, theres another way! Where we can escape without any combat! We can still get (Y/N) back!"

"Tell us your plan." Shoto immediately commands. "The thing is, it's all gonna have to depend on her."

"We need details, come on, Midoryia." Shoto says.

"Right, here's what I'm thinking.."


Iida, Midoryia and Kirishima get ready to launch off. Bakugou blasts off the wall and the three of them fly off. Todoroki creates a slide of ice, pointing high to the sky.

You and the other villains look up in shock, "Oh god-" You watch as the three of them fly in the air. All for One goes to stop them but All Might is quick to put him down.


You watch Kirishima extend his hand out towards you, casings you smile. You look over and the villains and dab, "Suck it! Boutta go play some smash."

You stomp on the ground and water begins to shoot out of the ground, sending you flying up. You wrap yourself around a coat of water and fly after them. You grab onto Kirishimas hand and stop using your quirk. "Dudes!"

Bakugou, Shoto and Momo watch from behind the wall, prepared to fight incase any villain comes over. "This is our chance, let's go now!" Shoto says, and the other two follow.

"Why do you kids have to show up everywhere..?" Tomura begins to go crazy. And stupid. Ahh.

"Seriously, you kids.." All Might glances before looking back to All for One.

"Who can do long distance?!"

"Kurogiri and Dabi, but they're out!"

Maybe comes over, "You two, come here." He activates his quirk and shoots Mr. Compress into the sky.

Mt. Lady grows taller and stops him from catching you four. Gran Torino stops the other villains before they can try anything else.

"I didn't think they'd come to the battlefield..Damn teenagers.."


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