out of the forest

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chapter 37 | out of the forest

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chapter 37 | out of the forest


After hours of fighting off dangers in the forest, you all had finally made it to the training camp grounds to eat. You were covered in mud, twigs were tangled in your hair and your legs could barely work.

After finally learning all of the Pussycats names, you could see Pixie-Bob point at you. Honestly you weren't paying any attention but once she pounced onto you, Izuku, Todoroki, Bakugou and Iida you were suddenly woken up. Showering you in kisses you had no idea what was going on.

"Speaking of ages, who's kid is that?" Izuku struggled to point while Pixie's hand was in his face, again.

"Oh, not one of ours. He's my cousins kid." Mandalay raises her paws. "Come on, Koda. Greet everyone." She encourages though his glare gets even stronger without replying.

Izuku goes over to him and gives him his hand to shake, bending over a bit. "I'm Midoryia from U.A. High School's hero course. Nice to meet you."

Koda lunches Izuku in the balls, causing him to grab onto them and shriek in pain. Iida runs over to Izuku and grabs onto him. "Midoryia!"

"You brute of a nephew! Why would you do that to Midoryia's scrotum?!" Iida shouts which makes you laugh into your arm, trying not to make anyone notice you.

The kid angrily turns his head and glares over his shoulder. "I don't intend to hang out with guys who want to become heroes!"

"Intend? Just how old are you?!" Iida cries.

Bakugou smirks at the kid, "Precious brat."

Todoroki looks over at him and comments his opinion, "Isn't he kinda like you?"

"Huh? What does that mean?! Shut up you GG bastard!" "Sorry."

Aizawa then proceeds to tell everyone to collect their items off the bus, you rush over and grab your luggage and take it into your room.


"Thanks for the food." You say before shoving rice into your mouth. Next to you is Izuku and Bakugou. You look over and see Bakugou aggressively eating and Izuku talking to Uraraka and Iida.

After dinner, you and the girls head off to the springs. You separate yourself from the girls and hide into a corner, too tired to engage in a conversation. You slowly drift off to sleep, unaware of the next events.


You get shaken violently, opening your eyes you notice that it's just you and who you guess is Hagakure. "All the girls just headed out and I stayed back to wake you up! Let's go to bed girl."

You rub your eyes and slowly walk out the hot water. "Thanks." You and her walk out together and you look over to her 'face'.

"Anything happen while I was asleep?"

Hagakure sighs, "Mineta tried to climb the wall but Koda stopped him. Make sure you thank him tomorrow!" She says.

"Mineta that idiot..but, okay."

Hagakure suddenly wraps her arm around you, "So..Todoroki and Bakugou seemed pretty upset with Mineta when he made a comment on you..are you dating one of them?" By the tone of her voice you could tell she was smirking.

Your cheeks flared and you jumped back, "N-No! I gotta go to bed, goodnight!" You rush out quickly, into the change rooms you go slip into your Hello Kitty pajamas and run into the sleeping rooms. You could hear Hagakure snicker as you ran past her.

'I can't have a crush on them..they both got issues and they're so rude to others. I told myself having a crush right now would be too distracting but...'

You flip over to the side and come face to face with Uraraka. You roll over to the other side and Tsuyu is next to you.

'Go the fuck to bed, gaybo.'

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