let's start: training camp

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chapter 36 | let's start: training camp

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chapter 36 | let's start: training camp


"U.A. High has finished its first semester and started summer vacation. However," Aizawa glares, "Those of you trying to be heroes will not receive days of rest. At this summer training camp, we'll have you aiming for even greater heights. For Plus Ultra!" Aizawa shouts.

"Yes, Sir!" Class 1-A shouts back. You stand next to Tsuyu, in front of the busses.  Everyone begins to chat amongst themselves. A group of you classmates huddle together and chant "Training Camp! Training Camp!"

"Um yeah, so like I was saying-" You get cut off by your blonde friend Monoma. "What? There are people in Class A taking extra classes? Does that mean you had people who failed the finals? Even though they're supposed to be way better than Class B? What?! How could that be?!" He creepily places his hand on his forehead before Kendo smacks him, causing him to fall face flat onto the floor. "Sorry!" She says before dragging him off.

"Class B-" Izuku looks over to them. "We kinda met during the sports festival, but nice to meet you Class A. Besides (F/N), we all know her!" Your friend with sharp teeth grins mischievously.

"Kero, how do you know them?" Tsuyu asks you. "I sorta just talk with them at lunch and one day we all had a get together at Kendo's, she invited me." You grin back at your 'rival' class.

This seems to make some of your friends from your classroom uneasy. "We're getting on the bus!" Kendo says while dragging Monoma.

"Not only are the girls from Class A gonna be there, so will Class B! It's like a buffet we can choose from!" Mineta drools into his arm which makes you cringe. "That's enough out of you." Kirishima dryly looks down at Mineta.

"Class A's bus over here! Line up in seat order!" Iida chops his arms towards the door and your class begins to climb in. "I WANNA SIT IN THE BACK! KIRISHIMA AND KAMINARI LETS GO!" You scream for your gamer friends.

"Coming!" You three run in before everyone which pisses off Bakugou and he runs in after you. "I said seat order!" Iida screams but nobody actually pays attention.


"Everyone, the bus will stop once in an hour. After that-" Aizawa tries to speak but Kaminari beats him to it.

"LET'S PLAY SOME MUSIC!" He screams out which makes everyone flip.

'Oh well...this is the only time they'll be able to actually have fun.'

You pull out a speaker and connect it to your phone. "Creeper, Aww man." The song begins to play which causes the class to scream.

"NO!" Bakugo yells at you but you ignore him and begin to scream the lyrics. "SO WE BACK IN THE MINE-"


You all load out of the bus and you instantly go and stretch. Todoroki comes over to you silently and stares at you. You look over and smile, "Did you like my singing?"

"You were screaming."

"Same thing."

Suddenly Mineta runs over and pushes  you into Todoroki, he catches you and helps you back on your feet. "Sorry!" You blush and he seems to notice this. "I-It's ok." He mumbles before walking off.

'Is he upset?!'

"There's no point stopping without a reason." Aizawa says while shoving his hands into his pockets. Suddenly the doors to a car open and two women dressed as cats come out. "Hey, Eraser!"

"Long time no see." He replies. Suddenly the two ladies begin to do some sort of dance, almost like a sailor moon transformation. "Lock on with these sparkling gazes! Stingingly cute and catlike! Wild, Wild...Pussycats!"

They pose while a little boy walks over towards them and angrily stands next to them. "These are the pro heroes who will be working with us during the camp, the Pussycats."

Suddenly Izuku goes into fanboy mode, he says something that pisses off the blue cat and she grabs him. 'She can't really do that, but ok.'

Suddenly you raise your hand, "Are y'all furries or-?" The blonde one comes over to you and growls, "No!"

The brown one points to the trees, "We own this whole stretch of land here. You will all be staying at the foot of that mountain."

"So far.."

Uraraka suddenly pipes up, "Huh? So why did we suddenly stop here?"

Your eyes widen once you see the Pussycats smirk, their feline teeth showing. "Fuck this!"

"Could this mean..?" -Tsuyu

"No way..." -Sato

"Why don't we get back to the bus, huh?" -Sero

"Yeah. Let's do that." -Kaminari

"It's 9:30 AM now..if you're fast, maybe around noon?" The brown one clinks her claws together.

"Get back to the bus! Hurry!" Kirishima shouts and you all bolt for it. Blue cat girl jumps down and blocks your path, her paw emits a blue glow and suddenly the dirt shakes and cracks, you all get sucked into a whirlpool of some sort and get thrown off the point you once stood at.

"AHHHHHHHH!!" You and the rest of the class scream as you all fall for your death. Once you crash and land, you could faintly hear that you were aloud to use your quirks. "Who gives a fu-" The sounds of a monster could be hear and you instantly get up to your feet.

"Aw shit, here we go again."

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