too much to process

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chapter 60 | too much to process

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chapter 60 | too much to process


Your life has been pretty quiet recently. You had just gotten your hero license, you were able to spend some time with your family and Triton and you were now sitting in class.

Some time has passed from the whole 'kidnapping situation' and you haven't heard from Tomura, Dabi or any of those villains. You shouldn't be, but you wondered what they were up to.

'I remember when I first met Tomura. Dad had so many weird villain friends and would usually bring them home. Me and Gray made fun of those stupid hands that he wore and he nearly killed us. Good times.' You smiled, letting out a small giggle.

Sure, most people wouldn't find that funny at all but you couldn't help yourself. You liked a lot of the messed up memories of your childhood, looking back at them now as you've grown a lot as a person.

"Why are you laughing, (Y/N)?" You looked up and saw Todoroki, standing in front your table.

"Oh, uh, just thinking about a meme I saw last night." You smiled.

Todoroki nodded, "I looked at some of the 'memes' you had sent me last night. I found the one about 'daddy issues' quite humorous." He gave you a small smile in return.

You jumped out of your seat, all bad thoughts gone. "You always make me feel happy, Shoto!" You gave him a closed eye smile, causing the poor boy to blush. This gained the classrooms attention, staring at you two in wonder.

'I wonder what Bakugou would do if he heard that!' Mina chuckled at her thoughts.

He liked the way you said his first name. Even though this isn't the first time you've said it, he wanted you to call him by his first name forever. "(Y/N)." He spoke up, causing you to tilt your head. "Whats up?"

"Please call me by my first name forever." He boldly spoke. He gained the classes attention, again.

"Sure, Shoto!"

The two of you stared at each other, in comfortable silence that made your cheeks begin to heat up.

"Listen up everyone! Stay in line and move promptly to the grounds!" Iida screamed, ruining Todoroki's moment with you.

"Uh, lets go, Shoto." You tucked in your chair, walking out with him. He nodded, following you like a lost puppy. Suddenly, you grabbed his hand and began to walk closer to him. "I wanna show you some more memes later!"

He nodded, looking forward to it. Even if he didn't understand most of what they meant, as long as he got to spend time with you, it would be fine.

"Todoroki, (Y/N)! Please refrain from holding hands! We need to be in a straight line!" Iida screamed, trying to hide his jealous tone.

"You're the one who isn't even in line!" Sero teases.

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