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chapter 65 | eri

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chapter 65 | eri


"Woah, hey, sorry kid." You crouched down to her level, grabbing onto her to help her up.

Your face scrunched up in confusion when you noticed the girl trembling. Izuku crouches down and places a hand on her shoulder, and he also notices her trembling.

"Now, you know..." A voice begins to speak, causing the four of you to turn your direction to the man walking out of the alley. "You can't go around causing trouble for the heroes." He says.

'Damn he's kinda hot lowkey, but his mask is covering most of his face....' You think to yourself, unaware of how much Izuku has tensed up.

"I'm sorry about my daughter, heroes." He closed his eyes, as if he were smiling under the mask. "She likes to play around a lot and gets hurt often."

Mirio comes over and slings Izuku's mask back onto his head. "Your hood and mask came off again. Maybe the sizings off?" He weirdly moves. Your scrunch up your face in confusion but don't say anything.

"We're sorry too, for bumping into her." Mirio smiles and begins to make small chat with the man.

You look at Izuku as he nervously shifts around. "Izuku, what's wrong with you guys?" You whisper to him. He only glances at you before looking at the man.

"It's my first time seeing you three heroes." He shoves his hands into his pockets.

"Right! We're still pretty new, so we're all pretty nervous. Now, stand up, guys! Let's head toward a future we haven't seen yet!" Mirio smiles at the two of you.

"What hero agency do you belong to?" The man asks.

"Oh, Night-" You speak up but Mirio cuts you off.

"Oh, we're students! We're still new that it would be presumptuous to identify with an emergency. We're just gaining some experience in different places for our internships. Anyway, we need to finish patrolling this division by lunch. Let's go, guys!" Mirio quickly ushers the two of you to stand on your feet but you don't budge.

"Right!" Izuku goes to stand but looks over at you, who hasn't moved. He then glances down at the girl and his eyes widened.

Your eyes widen as the small girl grips onto your costume, tears in her eyes as she whispers. "D...Don't go."

'Fuck. I know that look too well.'

"Uhm..." You mumble, locking eyes with the man towering over you. Everyone stands quietly still as you debate what to do. "Your daughter looks really...scared?"

"It's just because she got a scolding." He glares.

"Let's go!" Mirio tries again.

"Wait, but...the girl is grabbing onto me and isn't letting me go." You wrap your arm and rest it onto her head.

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