shiketsu high lurking

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chapter 55 | shiketsu high lurking

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chapter 55 | shiketsu high lurking


While fighting off other students with you classmates, you watch as the creepy guy with long black hair glow purple. 'What's he doing?'

Suddenly the ground underneath you begins to shake, confused of what's happening you only watch the ground move.

Suddenly Jiro comes over and saves the day, "I'll take care of this, stand back guys!"

Jiros sound waves digs up the grounds the the students from the other school panic. Mina saves Mineta from getting targeted, and he gives her a genuine compliment which surprises you a bit.

Tokoyami tries to attack the blonde girl, but she folds her top half into her bottom half. 'What kind of quirk is that??' You watch her go back to normal.

The ground shakes again and Shindo uses his quirk, "Well shit!" You groan out in frustration. You and your classmates get swept away. You slip off a rock with Izuku, and finally make it out of that rocky tornado. You listen to the sleepy man on the speaker telling everyone to hurry up and it only makes you even more nervous.

"Oh no, we got split up!" You hear Izuku cry out in frustration. "OH NO!" You latch yourself onto Izuku, "Please tell me you know what to do."

"I-Uh..We need to find the others soon, if it's just us then we're done for."

Your grip on Izuku's arm tightens, "Izuku, dont say shit like that or I'll die on the spot."

Izuku nervously jumps, "S-Sorry! But, this is what they were planning from the start, to split us up."

Izuku seems to be deep in thought, your eyes widen when the female from before comes and jumps onto Izuku, you let go of his arm. "Watch out!"

"Got you, that's no good." The girl jumps back down onto her feet and adjusts her hat.

"You stupid bitch!" You run up and try to punch her but she dodges. She tried to tag you but you manage to get a kick in and send her flying a bit over.

"Wow, you're so cool.."

Your cheeks heat up a bit awkwardly, 'Don't be intimidated, (Y/N). Just try and imagine her without her clothes on. ...OH NO SHES HOT!!!'

"You sure talk a lot" Izuku gets into a fighting stance, which you copy. "Yeah, shut up you Cardi B stan. Don't touch us and get your weird Cardi germs on us."

While she sends an attack at the two of you, which you dodge, you realize she isn't there. "Fuck!" You look around but can't seem to locate her.

"I just have to punch with a ball, right?"

She tries to get you in your hip, causing but Izuku is quick to drag you closer to him. "Thanks."

He nods back, glaring at the girl.

You try to counter attack but you can't find her. "She keeps disappearing." You grumble.

"Do you think my quirk allows me to disappear?" You hear from behind, an eerie feeling shoots up your spine and you snap your head around but she's quick to tackle you.

"(Y/N)!" Izuku cries out. "God she's straddling me is this Homo or No homo?!"

She begins to talk about something which you don't pay attention to. You quickly shoot water from your back, sending her flying into the air. You stand up and watch her fly back down onto her feet. 'She's wearing heels and can do all that!'

The rocks between the three of you shake and a gust of wind comes out. "Ohhh shit..." You and Izuku pale at the large crowd of students glaring down at the both of you.

"Here they come!" You shout, the two of you get thrown up into the air. "Dodge them!" Izuku says.

You try to dodge a few, moving closer to Izuku you wrap yourself around him and create a barrier of water around the both of you. Attacks try to force theirselves in but you fight to keep the barrier around you two up. You send out a gust of water at some of the students, knocking them away. You drop the barrier when you hear Uraraka.

"Are you guys okay?! Come here!" She extends her arm out to you two. Quickly, you make your way over to her.


You catch Uraraka when the opposite school sends an attack her way. "Gotcha!" You hold onto her, rushing with to the protected area while Izuku sends an attack their way.

"Thanks guys. Sorry, I messed up."

You and Izuku peek from behind the corner to watch for anyone coming. "No, it's not that.."

You snap your head and slap Uraraka's arm from tagging Izuku. "What the fuck?" You glare at her. Izuku's eyes widened in realization. "Why'd you try and pull a stunt like that?!" You, on the other hand, don't seem to realize.

"Could you be someone from Shiketsu?" Izuku asks, shocking you. "Wait, really?!" You look at 'Ochako' and ball your fists up. "Confess or die!"

"Huh?" She mumbles.

"Uraraka has been training with her quirk so that if it's for a short time, she can ignore the side effects and use it on herself. But to not even try to use it even though you were in danger..."

Izuku takes a few steps back and you follow, now realizing. "And above all, to show yourself to the enemy with no plan in mind!" Izuku stares down at her.

"That isn't the Uraraka that we know." You cross your arms.

She giggles, "If you guys saved me even though you noticed, does that mean you were trying to use me, instead?" She begins to melt. "Ew! She's melting! That's so weird!" You cover your eyes.

"I-I didn't think that far ahead.." Izuku shakes. "But I'm glad we saved you then, because if you're not Uraraka, then you couldn't have floated away. If you kept falling the way you were, then you would've definitely injured your back.

"Oh? I see. So that's why you did it." You finally open your eyes and see the girl from before. "Not her again.." You grumble.

"I want you to tell me more about yourself." The girl stares into your eyes. Not sure what to say, you watch her.

"WOAHHH!" You shout. "W-Wait, your clothes! Why are you naked? Please put something on!" Izuku panics.

"I will after I do what I need to do!" She tries to attack Izuku, but he dodges. Suddenly, tape comes out and separates you and Izuku from her.

"Sero!!!" You happily shout. Uraraka comes out and tries to attack, but she misses.

The girl sits on top of the rocks, "Too bad, things were just getting good..I really..really wanted to talk to you more.."


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